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Because I love y'all!😮‍💨❤️

Third Person's Pov

Hajiya Surayya breathed in and out heavily both in tiredness and relief that all the elders were present in the house.

"Surayya!?" Hajiya Safiya stood up in shock at the sight of Ikram's mother standing in front of them.

"Yes, Yaya. It's me! I finally escaped from there" She hugged her tightly but she didn't reciprocate.

"And why did you come back here?! I thought you sent your daughter back to Nigeria and took away all of the property to settle abroad!". Hajiya Surayya gasped.

"What?! No! How could, it was all a lie planned by Ikram, please believe me. She left the country with all the money and came back here to Nigeria all because of Ammar!"

"If she was here for Ammar then what is she doing with the money?". "Don't you see? She wants to frame me!"

"I don't believe you! I'm sure this is you and your daughter's plan to ruin my family! Afterall your daughter has already ruined my son's home! What more do you want? Please just leave here" Safiyya said.

"No Mama. Ikram's mom is not involved in all this, I know and I'm sure cause if she was then Ikram wouldn't say all these lies about her own mother."

"She's making a point, she said all of these lies all just to coverup her own crimes. I believe Surayya" Ammi said.

"I'm sorry for all the troubles caused by my daughter, infact I feel so ashamed to call her my own! Ikram betrayed me" Hajiya Surayya cried.

"If that is so then why did you follow her to India despite knowing her intentions?! And you both said that you're going for a treatment". Mama still wanted to argue with Surayya cause how is all this possible?!

"That's because I didn't know her real intentions! What she told me was that we are going to visit her close friend that just got married which is true, but she told me that she'll tell the family something else and I stood by her cause I didn't know that she had an evil intention behind it. Three days after we went to India, I didn't see Ikram again. All I knew was that she's at her friends place but I didn't see her face to face again. I was too busy with my own business that I totally neglected my own daughter and didn't put my eyes on her. Months later, I went to her friend's house and she told me that Ikram moved out a long time ago, I was very scared thinking that my daughter was in grave danger"

"Then, on that very day I received a message from Ikram that she's landed in Nigeria and will never meet me again. She stated that she used me and has succeeded, that I should die there for all she cares. I was so heartbroken by my daughter's actions, and from then whenever I called her she didn't answer my calls. Only for me to find out from that her specific friend whom thought I knew about what was going on, that Ikram slept with a sorcerer so he could fulfill her wishes and later killed him in order to make herself more powerful."

She finished her story in full tears and couldn't even look up at her family. "I'm so sorry. Forgive me please, if only I had my eyes on her and didn't support her lies then all this wouldn't have happened with Ammar. I'm so sorry" She knelt down and was begging for forgiveness.

"No, please get up Anty." Mima tried to make the broken woman sit up but she was far too deep into her painful sobs.

"I'm sorry Mima, please forgive me. These...these scars on your body say everything, my daughter has ruined your marriage and it's all my fault! Please danAllah ki yafe mun" She sobbed and joined her hands together in a begging manner.

"No Anty, this is none of your fault and it was all meant to happen. Maybe, maybe. Yaya Ammar belongs with Ikram and my child aren't meant to be with him". She said trying to control her own emotions.

"'re pregnant?" She asked completely shocked and Mima nodded in response. Guess she didn't take notice of her big tummy.

"Surayya please get up and sit down, this isn't the time to cry and blame yourselves, we have to sit down and try to find a way out of this mess" Dada said and tried very hard not to let a tear fall out of his eyes. His daughter looks so worn out, stressed, tired, sleep deprived, worried and depressed. He's never seen her like this, her entire body had scars on it and her face had slightly swollen up and is now red.

He's seen it all now, this is the result for forcing her to get married to someone she doesn't like.

"Mima, I don't even know what to say to you. I honestly can't believe that my son did this to you. Even if he's being controlled by black magic, it still stings so hard to know that my own son did this to his own wife. Please we're all sorry on behalf of Ammar and by Allah what ever decision you decide to take on regarding your marriage, we will all agree to it" Her father in law said with so much pity towards the young lady.

"I'm not taking any decisions baba, I've promised myself to not be responsible for our divorce even if it's going to happen so it's up to him. If he agrees to separate then fine, I'll accept it wholeheartedly and live over here with my parents".

"I agree with her Alhaji. And even if he doesn't divorce her, my daughter is never going back to Ammar's house" Ammi stated clearly.

Mima felt something rise up in her throat and she got up immediately and ran to the guest toilet where she vomited out all her guts. Her heart skipped when she looked at herself in the mirror.

God, she looks so miserable. All her glow, beauty and clear skin has all faded away. She's slowly becoming darker than her normal complexion.

In order to avoid the tears threatening to spill from her eyes, she quickly rinsed her mouth and face and just when she turned to leave, she saw her mother standing outside the door with tear filled eyes.

She immediately engulfed her daughter into a tight hug and patted her head.

"What made you keep quiet all this while? You endured all of that pain all alone and also heavily pregnant? Why didn't you atleast tell me about what was going on? I'm your mother Hajar. I deserve to know whatever is going on in your life. I was so happy months ago when I found out from Yaya that you two have solved your differences and now, this?"

"I'm sorry Ammi for keeping everything to myself. Forgive me" She cried on her mother's chest till she couldn't anymore.

"Please stop crying my child. God is seeing everything and He won't let you suffer InshaAllah"

"But I'm tired Ammi. I'm so exhausted from all that has been happening, my energy has been completely drained out and I don't feel like doing anything anymore. All I know and want is for Ammar to come back to me, to us."

"InshaAllah everything will come back to its place. Just keep praying my dear." She kissed her forehead

Well, Almost all of you guessed that it was Ikram's mother and if you know that you are one of them, then this Chapter is dedicated to youu! Oh and Mima says she loves you so much!💕
I couldn't tag because wattpad isn't cooperating😭.

Shaaa, See y'all in maybe...a few hours!?

Depends on the votes and comments though🙂.

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