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You're Welcome!🙂

Third Person's Pov

Mima was wheeled into the ER about fifty minutes ago and the red light outside the door which is still turned on signifies that her surgery is still taking place due to her deep cuts.

Almost half of her family members are already here, some looked disheveled while some were looking shocked and had tears in their eyes. The way Mahnoor had described the situation to Sultana whom spread the news in their family group terrified everyone.

"How did it happen?!" Hajiya Safiya asked in a horrified tone.

"I don't even know Mama, she was just wheeled into the ER, ya Allah..there was so much blood" She sobbed and fell unto her knees. Her hand was covered with dried blood and so were her clothes and Jabbar's.

"Subhanallah, how did it happen and where the heck is Ammar?!" Asked Sultana and that was when everyone noticed his absence.

"I've been calling him since but he's not picking, infact he switched it off." They were all shocked. They've all noticed the change in him but they didn't give it much importance, he hardly calls everyone like before and doesn't visit anyone anymore.

"Maybe he's in a meeting" Said Nana whom was at Sultana's house when they were informed. She saw that coming! Whatever happened to Mima is definitely not an accident. It's obviously that witch Ikram. Ya Allah she feels responsible for all this! Why didn't she speak up earlier?? This is all her fault. But she made a promise to her to keep what is happening a secret but unfortunately, she can't do it anymore especially when it has become a big threat to her best friend's life.

Just when she was about to speak up, the doctor came out of the room and all eyes turned to him. " is she?? How's my daughter?" Asked Mima's mother whom was full of worry.

"Calm down..calm down." He said and if glares could kill, then he would be six feet underneath the ground.

"Just tell us what's going on doctor!" Siddiqa yelled.

"The operation went successfully, all thanks to God and they are both alright, their was a very high chance of miscarriage but God did his wonders and here we are."

"What are you talking about doctor?? Who and who are alright and what miscarriage?" Hajiya Safiya asked and he looked at them like they've grown two heads.

How can their family member be carrying a baby that is almost ready to be delivered and they have no idea?!

"Mrs Hajarah Ammar Magaji, right?" They all nodded.

"Well, according to her reports here, she's been coming here for the past few months for her ante natal and from what I'm seeing here, this is her sixth month and a few weeks of pregnancy" He revealed and they were all shocked beyond imagination.

"Ya ilahi, Mima is pregnant!?" He nodded strangely and quietly walked away.

"How could we have known when both she and her husband are hardly visiting anyone these days" Hajiya Safiya said and her sister nodded in agreement.

This change took place ever since Ammar got married to Ikram. They all found out about it and weren't happy with the fact that he got married again but what could they have done anyways. Sultan on the other hand completely stopped talking to Ammar, not like he cared one bit.

"But how could she be six months pregnant and not tell anyone about it?? Something is definitely wrong with that girl!" Amma said in an angry tone.

Nana felt the strong urge to inform them about the secret behind Ammar's new behavior but decided not to, Mima will tell them when she's ready.

"The patient is awake and you all may go in to see her but please maintain silence, I'm letting you all in because you're all mature enough to not stress her" The Nurse said and led them to the room they shifted her to.

Hajarah's Pov

I looked around the light blue and white room I was laying down in, feeling caged onto the uncomfortable hospital bed and my body felt so sore and weak. My hand was attached to a blood bag which means that I've lost blood.

A quick bell rang into my ears and I immediately stared down at my stomach, the big baby bump was still there and I sighed in relief and muttered a quick 'Alhamdulillah' but my happiness was cut short when the door was opened by none other than my mother in law, and following behind her quietly is my mother then the rest all came in, everyone had an angry face on. I guess they've found out. I just hope that Nana hasn't said anything

"How are you feeling?" Anty Safiya asked and I nodded positively.
I looked down at my feet which were straightened on the bed and that was when I noticed the plasters on my hand, covering the ugly scars which I dread to see.

"So you're pregnant?!" Ammi asked with a stern look. "w-what?" I asked innocently. I wasn't going to lie anyways

"I thought as much, you're six months pregnant and you didn't inform anyone about it!?" She scolded, I could see how she was trying to lower her pitch.

"Yes Mima, how could you?? All of us here have a right to know about what's going on but you kept it a secret from us! And why is that? I know you must have your reasons but..."

"I have no reason Mama. Forgive me if you can" I looked away from their pressing gazes and placed her my on my bump.

"Does your husband know about this?" I shook my no. "I was planning on telling him today". Ammi stood up and was about to slap me but someone held her back.

"Ammi leave her, it's like something has happened to the old Mima cause this one is not the younger sister I know I have" Yaya Sultana muttered and helped Ammi to sit back down.

"Allah ya kyauta" Mama said and stood up along with her sister, my mother.

"Can someone please call Ammar here? I want things cleared up now cause something is definitely wrong about this" Mama gestured her hands towards me.

"His phone is switched off and so is his office landline" Jabbar said.

"Something is definitely wrong!"

Four days later,

"It's so hard to believe that I'm finally going to become an aunt! Though I'm still angry at you for not telling me all this while but it's fine! The happiness that will enter this family when this baby is born will subside everyone's anger" Malika said and true to her words, everyone is angry at me for not telling them though they've all been visiting me for my entire stay in the hospital and showing the utmost support when my husband didn't even come here for a second.

It pained me a lot and I cried all those nights, I called him each and everyday for the past four days but he never picked up and might have even blocked me now cause I can't get through to him anymore. It hurts a lot! So badly. I never knew that love could make me suffer like this one day.

The love I feel for him is something out of this world. I've never loved someone like I love him now and just when our lives are getting better, she had to make her appearance and ruin our lives. Will I ever be able to get him back?

End of chapter!

Hello lovelies!❤️

Who can sniff the ending even though it's a little bit far?

Oh and I want to wake up to lots of notifications tomorrow morning and If I'm satisfied, an update will come right away!

ℓσνє, αмαмα🤍

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