844 80 12

Kano State, Nigeria.


Long chapter💗

Third Person's Pov

The entire Dãha family were sitted in the diningroom in the main house, some were still eating breakfast while some just chattered around with each other. The sight brought joy to Hajiya Hajara Muhammad Dãha's eyes, her two sons, her daughter, her daughters in law and her grandkids. Deep down, she wishes that her husband was here to see his family bonding. But Allah SWT loves him more than they will ever do.

"Mahnoor eat fast naw, Malika just sent me a message asking if I'm out or not!!" Hajara said in an annoyed tone. "Aw! I'm almost done girl, you know I'm always slow when it comes to eating plantain, it's my damn favorite!" She grinned ignoring the look on her cousin's face

"Is it?, Mahnoor? Is it?" She asked with a creepy look which made Mahnoor drop the plantain on her plate and cleaned the oil on her hand with a tissue paper before she stood up immediately.

"Good girl" She smiled proudly at her work. "Ammi I'm going to Malika's house with Mahnoor and we'll be back a little later but before Asr prayer InshaAllah" She said and Hajiya Samira nodded.

They both picked up their veils and handbags from the couches in the livingroom where they met Ashraf using his phone. "Oh hey Yaya Ashraf! Good morning" Hajara smiled at him and only he knew what it did to his poor heart.

"Good morning" Mahnoor greeted him rather uninterestedly cause they don't really get along because some years ago, their parents wanted to 'hook them up' and they both liked different people so they blamed each other for the situation las las, the family dropped the talk.

"Morning ladies, Where are you going to?" He stood up and walked towards the door where they were standing. "I'm taking Noor to see my friend Malika"

"Oh okay. Let me take you then" He brought out his car keys from his pocket only to be rejected by Mahnoor. "No, don't worry we can take a rickshaw" She flashed him a tight lipped smile and Hajara nudged her shoulder.

"Okay sure Yaya Ash, lets go!" He nodded and followed behind them as they went out before he did. They all hopped into his new black Honda Accord 2020 and zoomed off to the said house.

The drive was actually just about ten minutes if not less, he parked in front of the huge white gate and honked but no one came out. "We'll just step out form here. Thank you" Mahnoor opened the door of the backseat and stepped out, so Hajara had to follow suit.

"Okay Bye Yaya Ashraf and thank you again" He smiled back gracefully ignoring the hot glares he's getting from his other cousin which he doesn't care less about cause she's just stressing her eye balls.

Hajara went forward and knocked on the gate while Mahnoor walked with a frown to the driver's side cause she needed to knock some sense into him before it's too late, even though they don't get along he's still her cousin.

"She has a boyfriend so backoff!" She whispered and walked back to where her cousin who didn't even notice anything was standing.

Ashraf on the other hand felt a huge pang on his chest when she said that his Mima has a boyfriend. No, no way! He's sure she's just lying cause maybe she's jealous? Nah, that won't get to him! He'll do whatever it takes to make Hajara his girlfriend before they leave Kano. No matter what! And with that thought, he zoomed off leaving a relieved Mahnoor who thinks that he's backed off like she's told him to, well, jokes on her for not knowing what he's up to.

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