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I know, I know its been sooo long and I'm terribly sorry guys💔🤧.

School has been stressing me and I'm even starting test next week inshaAllah so I just had to update this now

My sincere apologies to y'all, Ily🫶🏻.

Freaking last chapter!!🥺😭

Third Person's Pov

Two weeks later

"So you mean you don't want to work anywhere?" He asked in a suprised tone.

"Not that dumbo, of course not. But I want to start working immediately after I stop breastfeeding Sanaa" Mima said.

"Oh yeah that's a good one. You almost scared me there" He said exaggeratedly.

"Argh, after spending more than half of my life studying then I'll not work?!" I rolled my eyes.

"Right. I have an offer for you" He muttered.

"Hm. What offer?" She asked, as she wiped Sanaa's butt cause she was going to change her diaper. She spoilt the previous one.

"I would like you to work in my company when you're ready" He said and she stopped what she was doing.

"What? No. I'm not qualified enough to work in a big company like yours and if I do something wrong like every other employee then you won't scold me or even fire me and that will be unfair to the others" She reasoned.

"I don't care. What's the point of you being Mrs Ammar Magaji, the bosses' wife then?" He raises an eyebrow.

"But still" She said and put on a new diaper for Sanaa, then she put back her trouser.

"I won't take no for an answer, just get ready". He stood up to leave.

"Oh..I forgot to tell you, we'll be going to perform Umrah next week so get ready" He broke the news to her.

"Ahh, really?! Alhamdulillah" Her smile made him feel so happy and proud that he was the reason.

"What of Sanaa? She's too young to travel that far" She pouted.

"Don't worry we'll be able to handle it all. And if possible we can get her a babysitter over there, what do you say?" She nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." She smiled truly at him for the first time since he can't remember.

"You're most welcome." He walked towards her and gave her a tight hug. He felt how her body reacted at his touch but he didn't care. He couldn't hold back the urge to feel her in his arms after so long.

"I'm sorry" She whispered into his ears as she couldn't hold it back. She's been thinking of a way to finally talk about their marriage with him so she'll take the opportunity.

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