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I think I've missed day 5?💀

Armani Hotel,
United Arab Emirates.


He kept the Quran he was reading on the nightstand and stood up to adjust the curtains which were revealing the bright sun. After that, he looked towards his sleeping wife, damn she's still sleeping!? It's high time he wakes her up.

Ammar went back to the bed and moved closer to her neck. It's his new obsession! Her neck always smells so amazing and warm. He wrapped his hands around her and brought her closer to him then he started massaging her soft hair

Mima on the other hand was horrified when she opened her eyes to see her husband, Yaya Ammar trying to take advantage of her! Is he drunk or what?! She quickly slipped out of his hands which resulted to her falling off the big king sized bed.

"Are you okay?!?" She yelled and he smiled! "I was going to wake you up anyways, it was just the Ammar way now get up".

Ignoring him, she looked around the big room, it was twice the size of her room back in Nigeria and more. The room was exquisite! Beautiful! Their was a king sized canopy royal bed, a walk in closet, comfy couch with two lamps beside it, a coffee table and a big tv which occupied the wall it was placed on.

Their was also a big glass which gave them a view of the beautiful city of Dubai but it was covered with the curtains which made the room dark. This room is officially nothing but perfect.

She got up excitedly and opened the curtains with a wide smile. "Isn't this view the best? You could even see the sunset here!" She squealed at the thought of watching the sunset at night, with a steaming cup off hot chocolate and a raspberry jam filled doughnut.

"Go and take a bath, lemme order breakfast" He said. "Owkay". She sauntered into the walk-in closet and grabbed her underwear, sanitary pad and a toothbrush.

Then she entered the bathroom which was located inside the closet, hm wow! The bathroom is totally amazed the shits out of her, very big and spacious. She wanted to use the jacuzzi but decided not to, if she gets in there then she will definitely stain the beauty white thing so she chose to take a shower instead.

She stripped off her clothes and damn, she was suprised that she didn't stain her Abaya because of how much blood flowed out of her. She disposed it off and got into the grey shower glass and turned on the running shower. The hot water rolled down her skin and in matter of minutes the glass was filled with steam. She washed her body with the nice scented honey soap bar and when she was done, she wrapped her body with the hotel's comfy ash bathrobe and brushed her teeth then washed her hair afterwards.

She couldn't resist the beautiful scent of the shampoos and conditioners. Her hair wasn't even dirty, she found a dryer in the bathroom cabinet and plugged it in then she blow dried her hair.

She finally got out and picked out an outfit in the closet, she's packed more of open and closed Abayas as if she knew were they were coming to Dubai. She rubbed her cream which she packed up in her suitcase and wore a pair of black jeans, she has a thing for them and a black silky buttoned up long sleeved shirt then she wore a matching opened Abaya and closed it up with the rope.

She went into her room and met him waiting for her on the carpet, where they kept many closed trays. She excitedly opened them and came in sight with chicken pepper soup with lemon slices, yummy looking pancakes, strawberry jam, French toasts and two steaming cups of creamed coffee.

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