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Hajarah's Pov🌺


"Are you still feeling sick?" He asked worriedly. "Yes, and i can't even eat anything" I yawned cause I couldn't sleep all night. My head hurts terribly

"No, you have to eat something. Come on, I'll be up in a while" I watched as he walked out. I felt like puking out my guts so I ran into the bathroom where I vomited. I washed my face with cold water and leaned on the sink.

I feel so bad for making Yaya Ammar late for work, he was supposed to leave since 9am but stayed back all because of me. I sighed sadly and walked back to the room, I was still in my nightwear which was quite inappropriate for him to see me in, in my point of view

"What happened?" He rushed to my side and helped me to the nearest couch. "I vomited" I replied. "Oh sorry, come on and eat" He opened the tray revealing a bowl of steaming custard and fried eggs.

"I can't have ...". "Shhh! Keep quiet" He brought forth a spoonful of custard to my mouth and I welcomed the vanilla and milk taste into my mouth.

I finished the custard in matter of minutes but I couldn't eat the egg. "I'm too full, please take the egg away" I said and true to my words, I didn't even want to see the egg due to how full I feel

"No, just finish it up then you'll take your medicine" Yaya Ammar stubbornly said and I had no other choice or else none of us will go out of this room today. "Good girl, now swallow your pills" He handed me two tablets and a cup of warm water and I gulped it down.

"Good?" He asked. "Good!" I smiled a bit and he stood up with the trays in his hands. "I'll be leaving for work now, if you want anything call me up and if you don't feel better later on just call me up and we'll go to the hospital" I nodded.

"Goodbye, make sure you take the afternoon pills after your lunch okay?" I nodded again. "Bye, and thank you". "Don't mention!" I watched as he left and I sighed.

God, I'm so full! Luckily, I have an afternoon class today and it's just one. I felt something rising up my throat and I quickly ran back to the bathroom and vomited, once again. My temperature was getting a bit high and I'm feeling weak

I went back to the room and collapsed on the bed where I snuggled into the duvet to have a well deserved sleep.

1 hour later,

"Ma'am?" I heard a loud knock in my door and I hissed underneath my breath. "Come in" I groggily said.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but you have a guest waiting for you downstairs" She said. "A guest? Who could it be?" I wondered.

"I don't know him too, should I tell him you're coming?" I nodded and she left afterwards

It's even a male? This early in the morning!

I stood up and wore a long hijab over my thigh length nightgown before heading downstairs. The 'guy' was facing the tv so I couldn't see his face.

"Excuse me?" I called and he turned around. What the fuck! What is he doing in my house?!

"Hajarah" He called with so many emotions which I could read on his face, he looked broken and depressed!

"Don't...! Why are you here?! What are you doing in my house!" I yelled. "I know I have no right to even approach you after everything. Its too late to say sorry anyways so I came to clear everything between us" He said.

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