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Next day


"Babe please, stop crying. Why is it worrying you so much?". He asked.

"Of course it has to! Your mom doesn't like me at all, she doesn't treat me like her daughter in law but like a stranger rather" She sobbed.

"I don't think so baby, maybe she had someone else for me to marry and even if she's not happy with the marriage doesn't mean that she doesn't like you" He reasoned.

"No Jabbar, I know your mom well. The way she treats Mima so lovingly, she's not so loving with me. And..she didn't even gift me something like she did with Mima after she got married to Ya Ammar. I'm not interested in the gifts but I want to feel loved by your family". Mahnoor said

"But she's more comfortable with Mima so it'll take time for her to get comfortable with you but know that she doesn't dislike you. I'm sure something is wrong".

"But we're both her daughter in laws. I get that she's also Mima's aunt apart from being her mother in law but still..I'm sorry to say but she's showing difference". She muttered and he sighed.

He's been trying to convince her that his mom doesn't dislike her but he himself isn't convinced. He's seen how she acts all 'I don't care' with Mahnoor's matters but is so loving with his brother's wife. It hurts him as much as it hurts his wife or even more.

"C'mon, come here" He hugged her tightly and patted her head.

"Something I always want you to remember is that no matter what, I'll never stop loving you and nothing can separate us except death" She felt at ease a bit after hearing his words. But deep down, she's not satisfied, she needs everyone to love her like their own.


"Hajarah Usman Muhammad Dãha!" She heard her full name yelled from downstairs and she already had a guess so she simply ignored it and shut her door loudly instead.

The anger inside of Ikram ignited more and she stood up immediately and dashed upstairs to Mima's room and immediately she reached the front of the door, she locked the door from the inside leaving Ikram totally dumbfounded

"How dare you?!!" She yelled but got completely ignored as if she was talking to the door.

"If you're done ranting like some dog, better get out of my door cause you're disturbing my peace. Anywhere you go or step your foot in becomes like a zoo so please avoid me and my room corridor" Mima's audacity shook Ikram to the core!

"You witch! How dare you and who in the world gave you the right to speak to me like that?! You'll see what I will do to!" She storms off but something caught her attention.

She peeped into the trash can just beside mima's door and what she saw in there shook her entire mind..a pregnancy medication?! It was clearly written under the medicine brand.

So Mima is pregnant?! Could Ammar be the father?? Of course he is...who else! No wonder she's become so full nowadays but she doesn't even spare a second or two to look at her and reason why she's suddenly become fat. She was too happy with her victory over her to have noticed.
A smirk took over her lips when she thought of a wise plan.

This is her chance to finally win once and for all..she's sure that once Ammar finds out, she won't spend another minute in this house.

Later that day

For the first time in months, Mima felt superior over Ikram. She has finally shut her up oh and now is her time to win back her husband and no one can stop her. She badly wanted to wear a fitted gown for him but no, her pregnancy will be visible and that will cause a lot of problems.

So, she decided to wear a pair of black tights and knees length black polo shirt. She let her hair loose and rubbed her scented oil perfume all over her shirt.

She pushed her now chubby feet into a pair of pink fluffy crocs. After finally picking up her phone, she went downstairs carefully minding her steps but when she reached the fifth stair, she slipped on something oily and fell down, rolling down the stairs in the process. Her head came in contact with the tiles edge and she landed harshly on the cold floor.
They were a pair of tiny sharp things at the end of the stairs which pierced her skin and she let out an ear piercing scream all the while trying to protect her stomach. Blood was flowing out from almost all parts of her body.

Ikram watched from upstairs with a wide and victorious smile. She quickly took her things and ran outside the house immediately so no one will suspect her meanwhile, Mima was long gone into the darkness.


After parking, Mahnoor and Jabbar walked towards the house door hand in hand and kept on knocking but no one answered so they just came in. They kept saying their Salaam but to no avail, Mahnoor screamed loudly when her eyes came in contact with her cousin's body on the floor.

"J-ja-jabbar! Mima" She pointed towards her and he gasped equally shocked.

"Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun" They both supplicated and Jabbar took her in his arms and they rushed outside and he kept her in the backseat while Mahnoor closed the house and they drove out immediately and took her to the hospital.

What Mahnoor couldn't take her eyes off was Mima's stomach. No doubt, she's pregnant. She hopes both her and the baby are alright.

Hello amigos!

How are y'all??? How was the chapter? It was short, I know and I'm sorry!

Next chapter will be long, I promise 🙂🤝.

Bye bye ❤️

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