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After five days update as promised😚

Ramadan Kareem🥲❤️.

May this Ramadan bring each and every one of us closer to Allah Swt🥰🥺

1 week later,

Hajarah's Pov🌺

How time flies so fast still surprises me, it's been a week ever since this thing, what do you call it again? A marriage? Nah, it's a compromise rather happened. I know that I will never accept that Yaya Ammar and I are married, and I'm sure it will all end very soon even without any effort from my side. He'll surely get tired one day and divorce me

That's why I refused or rather said I'll think about it to his friendship request. I don't want any relationship with him so it won't be hard for me to separate from him when the time comes. And heck I haven't forgotten what happened and how everyone betrayed me, I'm just trying to keep it at the back of my mind but whenever I remember it I just can't stop myself and I cry.

Why did Dada take such a decision against me? Doesn't he love me? Or maybe he was just looking for a reason to get me out of his crib. Ha, good job pops!

I was still in bed and it's already 10am, I woke up like thirty minutes ago and was just staring at the pure white ceiling with the small and cute chandelier dangling in the middle of the room, it has two switches, one is for dim light and the other for normal white brightness.

I heard a soft knock on my door and I ignored it cause I know who it is. After knocking two more times, the door creaked open and I shut my eyes tightly. "Hey, are you asleep?" He asked and I of course kept quiet.

My heart started beating rapidly when I felt a weight on my bed, beside me, dangerously close to me. One move, and we're having a body contact.

I quickly jumped off the bed which resulted to me falling down. "Ouch!" I cried as I held my leg while he laughed heartlessly. God, I dont like this man!

"Can't you see I'm hurt!" I yelled. "Oh, I thought you were asleep" He smiled amusingly while I rolled my eyes.

He got up from the bed and walked towards me, then he picked me up bridal style, I thought he was going to drop me on the bed but my heart skipped a beat when I saw him heading towards the bathroom door.

"What do you think you're doing!" I tried to get out his hold but to no avail. He's one strong fella!

He didn't stop anywhere till he kept me inside the bath bowl which was obviously dry and empty. "Take a bath now and get ready, we're going to visit our families today" He said and I squealed loudly.

I'm finally going to see my Ammi!

"Am I allowed to say you're welcome?" He raised an eyebrow with his hands akimbo. "Just leave mister!" I scoffed.

"Hey, this is my house and I...." I glared at him hard and he shut up immediately. "Make it fast" He left after shutting the door and I closed it with the key

I turned on the hot water in the bath tub and it filled up in a few minutes. I poured a small portion of the bubble bath gel and the water got foamy in minutes. I took off my clothes and placed them on the hanger before I carefully stepped into the bowl.

I enjoyed playing with the bubbles also before I finally looked up at the wall clock and it read 11:10am, I really didn't want to go out so I spent ten more minutes before I washed up myself and got out, then I wrapped my body with a towel and went into my room.

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