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Guysss, we are almost done fah!🥺


I'm going to reply to the last chapter's comments later inshaAllah. Wattpad dey give me stress🤧💔.

Hajarah's Pov🌺


2 months later,

"Wow, you look ravishing baby mama! This gown really suites you" Mahnoor complimented my navy blue dress. I didn't like how my tummy was still a little bit big, its manageable though.

"Thanks Noor, I hope my makeup isn't smudged?" I asked and she flashed me a thumbs up.

I wore my graduation gown over the black dress and adjusted the cap on my head carefully so it won't ruin my headtie. I slipped my feet into my mid high heels and sprayed my perfume all over the gown.

"You ready?" I asked Mahnoor cause we were leaving together and the rest of our family members are leaving later on.

"Ammi said I should bring Sanaa to you, she's refusing to keep quiet" Salma came in with my baby girl in her arms.

"Aww, she misses her mama" I kissed her little nose and immediately she got into my arms, she kept quiet, my heart melted.

She's now 2 months old and though the journey hasn't been a really smooth one but Alhamdulillah, with Sanaa by my side their isn't a day that passes without me thanking God for her. Sanaa spreads joy where ever she goes and she's captured each and everyone's hearts.

I rocked her to sleep and later kept her on the bed so I can leave without her knowledge cause I'm sure she'll cry for Africa. Ammi says it's my fault that I've gotten her so used to my hands that she recognizes who picks her up and starts crying immediately.

"Don't forget her baby bag when you guys are coming" Salma nodded while I picked up my hand bag and car keys on the other hand. I kissed Sanaa on the forehead and carefully slipped away

I met Ammi and Dada discussing in the living room and I didn't see who the other person was as his back was facing me. I went into the kitchen and picked up an apple and a bottle of water.

As I came out, I saw the face of the other occupant. My heart skipped.

"I'll be leaving now" I announced.

"He's taking you there" Dada said and I froze. I haven't been alone with him for the past 1 month and we hardly spoke to each other since that day at the hospital, well, he's the one that always talks to me but I've been trying to avoid him.

"But..I have my car keys" I forced a smile.

"Haba Hajar, forget what happened and move on, you know he wasn't in his right sense of mind so why are you punishing him for what he didn't do intentionally?" Ammi scolded and I sighed.

"I'll be waiting outside" I simply left to avoid any other issues.

I recognized his white BMW and luckily, it was open so I sat down in the front seat and waited. He came out of the house seconds later.

Their was complete silence between us till we got on the road.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Fine, you?" I replied trying to avert my gaze from him but it was honestly hard cause he looked really really handsome.

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