Chapter 1

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Lily POV
I look at the pillar between Platform 9 and 10 for a few moments, just standing. I take a slow jog, pushing my trolly through the pillar, emerging on Platform 9 and 3/4. I pause for a moment, looking at the Hogwarts Express, standing next to the platform in all its unrivaled glory, then push my troll next to the train to load my luggage.
I begin to grab one of my trunks when it suddenly gets lighter. I look to the other end and see him standing there.

"Hi Lily." James says. "Have a good summer?"

"Um, not too bad I guess." I say. He's gonna ask me out, I think.

"That's good." He says as he helps me load my trunk into the train.

"How was yours?" I ask. I like this James Potter, Lily stop, you don't like him.

"Wasn't too bad, been-" James said before he got interrupted.

"Oi, Prongs!" Sirius yelled. "Stop flirting, you haven't even got on the train yet." I look at James and he has a slight frown on his face and he's looking at his feet. I feel myself blush slightly.
Lily, why are you blushing?

"I'll see you on the train." I say, grabbing my handbag and turn to walk away.

"Ok." He says, still wearing a frown on his face. "Bye, Lily."

"Bye, James." I say and jump on the train. I look out the window and see what looks like James scoulding Sirius. I walk down the train to find the compartment I always shared with my friends. As I approach I can hear talking.

"Do you think he's over her?" I hear Alice ask.

"No, definitely not." Marlene says. "He talked to me about her all summer, was starting to get annoying. But he has seemed to have matured. Ever since Sirius moved in with him."

"That seems like the complete opposite of what I thought would happen." Mary said, laughing. More laughter came from the compartment, but it quickly subsided when I opened the door.

"Lily!" Alice, Marlene, and Mary say together and jump up from their seats. They come over and we hug.

"Hi Lily." Frank Longbottom says, getting up and shaking my hand after the girls let me go.

"How was everyone's summer?" I ask, sitting down next to Marlene.

"Ours was good." Alice says, holding Frank's hand. "We spent most of it at each others place." The both had huge smiles on her face.

"What about you Mary?" I ask her.

"Not bad, spent some time in Italy. Was on the beach almost all day while we were there." She says, and I notice she is quite tanner than I remember.

"Nice." I said. "And what about you Mar?"

"Wasn't bad." She said, she seemed a little hesitant to open up fully. "Talked with Potter a bit, visited my aunt in Whales."

"How was yours Lily?" Alice asked.

"Petunia was being herself, flaunting her boyfriend who looks like a walrus ." I said. "But you won't believe it."

"What?" the girls say together.

"I made head girl!" I say. The girls all jump up again and hug me.

"I knew you'd get it." Marlene said.

"Any guesses on head boy?" I asked.

"Remus." Alice and Mary said.

"Potter." Marlene said, which caused all of us to look at her. "What?"

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