Chapter 18

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James POV

A sudden chill wakes me from my sleep, and I immediately reach for my glasses and wand next to me, but instead of finding them I feel something squishy.

"It's a little early to squeeze my arse Potter." That sentence made my eyes bolt open.

"I'm sorry Lily." I said, the words falling out of my mouth. I squinted up to Lily, who was quiet for a moment, the bursted out laughing.

"You shoulda seen your face, Merlin!" Lily said, laughing. I shake my head and put my glasses on and look back at Lily. She's standing there, wearing a button down shirt, which I'm pretty sure is mine, and her bottom is showing from under it.

"I could get used to waking up and seeing this." I said, smiling.

"I bet you could." She said, smiling back. She walked to the bathroom door, stopping and twisting around to look back at me. "I did enjoy it by the way." She smiled and winked, then disappeared into the bathroom. I laughed to myself as I got up and made my bed.

I was busy with my school and quidditch uniforms when I felt something grab my ass, and I snapped around to see Lily, almost bent in half by laughter.

"So that's how today is going." I said, grinning. She looked up at me, and her laugh faded.

"Potter, don't you even..." She said as she ran out of my bedroom door with me hot on her heels. I chased her in circles around our common room. Eventually I had her backed into a corner of the room.

"Merlin!!! Get pants on Lily!!!!" Mary yelled from behind me. Lily turned a bright red, and I felt my face burning up.

"Mary out!!!" Lily shreiked. I turned around and caught a glimpse of Mary's brown hair as it escaped through the portrait hole. I turned back to Lily, her face still bright red, and we both began to laugh.

"Suppose we should both finish getting dressed." I said, a huge smile still on my face.

"Suppose you're right." Lily said, still very red in the face. We laughed as we headed back into our rooms and changed.

Lily POV

A few minutes later I met James back in the common room, and we giggled together as we went down for breakfast.

When we walked in, we saw all of our friends sitting together, Mary's head in her hands.

"Here they come." Sirius said, a grin a mile wide on his face. I couldn't help but blush, and I sat down on the opposite side of James to avoid having to be next to Sirius.

"Have a fun morning?" Sirius asked with a grin.

"No better than any other." James said, attempting to keep a straight face. "Anyways, happy birthday Pads!" James immediately grabbed Sirius and gave him a big hug. The grin on Sirius' face turned into a genuine smile, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Thanks Prongs." Sirius said when they let go, and the rest of the table started to sing happy birthday, causing Sirius to squirm in his seat with excitement.

"So, did you do what I asked?" I asked.

"Yes I did." Sirius beamed. "It's all in my bag up in my room."

"And did either of you help do it for him?" I asked, pointing to James and Remus.

"We helped, but did not physically do it." James said.

"And we did not let him copy." Remus said.

"Alright, you may have your butter beer." I said unable to keep myself from smiling as I watched Sirius jump with joy.

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