Chapter 17

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James POV

"Good morning love." a soft voice says next to me as I opened my eyes. I rolled over and reached for my glasses on my nightstand.

"Ahhh, now I can see." I say, putting on my glasses.

"You really need those to see your beautiful girlfriend." Lily teased.

"If I want to be able to see all her beauty in detail, yes." I said as I rolled back over.

"You are really cheesy." Lily said, laughing.

"Ready for tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, which reminds me. We need to stay after dinner to finish putting up the rest of the decorations." Lily said.

"Guess that means we should also make sure our costumes are ready earlier because we'll have less time to get ready." I said.

"Wow, James Potter with a good idea." Lily said sarcastically.

"I'm smarter than I look." I said.

"Well, you are very good looking, Mr.Potter." Lily said, stroking my cheek.

"You're definitely the better looking one in this relationship." I said, playing with her hair.


"Why did you give Sirius the password?" Lily groaned.

"You agreed to it." I said, laughing.

"Ugggh. SIRIUS SHUT UP AND WE'L BE DOWN IN  A FEW!" Lily yelled. We could here laughing on the other side of the door, and I couldn't help but join in.

"I love you so much." I said, giving her a kiss.

"I know you do, I love you too." Lily said. "Suppose you should head to your room to get changed, don't want to leave our children waiting."  We laughed as I got up, gave her one more kiss, then headed across the hall.

I took a quick shower and got dressed, and made my way down into our common area, finding the marauders and Lily's girlfriends lounging around.

"You guy's look comfortable." I said.

"Not as comfortable as you were." Sirius said with a wink, but had to immediately dodge a pillow thrown by Marlene.

"So, you excited for tonight?" Mary asked.

"Excited and nervous. Want everything to go off without a hitch tonight." I said.

"Everything will be perfect, stop worrying." Marlene said.

"Thanks. If you guys wanna go ahead, Lily and I will be right behind." I said.

"It's ok James, you go ahead with the boys, I wanna talk with the girls quick." Lily said waking down the stairs.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes, go ahead." Lily said, and before I could say anything Sirius was dragging me out of the portrait hole.

Lily POV

We all laughed as Sirius dragged James out, Remus and Peter following with grins on their faces.

"Soooo, what is it?" Mary asked after the portrait closed.

"Do you think you guys could help with everything tonight? I don't know if I'll have time to get the hall decorated with James and get my costume set." I said.

"I'll help you with your costume." Marlene said.

"I'll do the decorticating." Mary said, a smile on her face.

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