Chapter 11

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Lily POV

The sound of chirping birds wakes me from my sleep. I open my eyes and I'm confused to see a bare chest right in my face. I tilt my head up to see James sleeping peacefully, his body pressed snuggly against mine.

"James." I whisper.

"Yes." He groans back, sleepily. Uggggh, why does his sleepy voice sound sooooooo hot.

"It's morning." I say.

"So." He says.

"We have to get up for class." I say.

"What time is it?" He asks, finally opening his eyes.

"You have to let go of me so I can get up and see the clock." I say and he lets go. "Only 8:20."

"8:20?" He says, alarmed. "Classes start at 9!" I look at him and it clicks. We jump out of bed the same time, the blankets flying. James rushes out of my room, grabbing his glasses and wand on the way out.

I take a quick shower, take care of my hair, and get my uniform on. I grab my bag and rush down to the kitchen. I find James already standing there, fully dressed, his bag on the table, busy at the stove making some eggs and toast.

"Oh, thank you James." I say, sitting down, slinging my bag on the table.

"You're more than welcome." He says without turning his attention from cooking. "Bet there will be some rumors in the hall and amongst our friends." We both laugh.

"Yeah," I said.

"Like, why weren't you two at breakfast?" Marlene says and we both spin around. Sirius, Remus, Peter, Alice, and Mary standing behind her, smiling.

"Interesting night?" Sirius says, his smirk increasing.

"It was nothing like that." Lily said, raising her voice slightly and Sirius cowered ever so slightly. "I had a nightmare and James comforted me and we fell asleep. That is all." Marlene and Sirius seemed like they needed a little extra convincing, but they all nodded.

"See you at class then." Mary said and they all walked out. James and I quickly ate, then ran all the way to the dungeons for potions. We burst through the door just as Slughorn was beginning class. He gave us a smile and waved us to our seats. I felt myself blush and hurried off to join my friends.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful, although I felt like I spent half of it staring at James, the small things I had once found annoying I suddenly find attractive. There was only one thing that I found odd...

"Are you ok Remus?" I ask as we walk into the head common room after dinner.

"I'm fine." He says, looking at his feet. I can tell he's hiding something, but I don't want to push him. Plus he doesn't look good at all. He's pale, and has been rather irritable all day, apart from this morning's excitement.

"You ready?" James says, looking towards the guys.

"Yup." Sirius says, leaping from his chair. The four boys don't say another word and head out, James holding that piece of parchment I remember Sirius threw at him.

"Wonder what they're up to?" Mary says.

"We should follow them." Marlene says.

"I don't know." I say.

"Why not?" Marlene says. "Don't wanna get in trouble?"

"I mean, of course." I say. "But something just feels odd. I just can't put my finger on it."

"That's why we have to follow them." Marlene says, pulling myself and Mary onto our feet.

James POV

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