Chapter 44

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Hogwarts was a very somber place after the Hogsmeade attack. A few students were pulled out by their parents, many were nursing injuries from the attack, and others were morning the loss of those who were killed. A few Slytherin students had found out that teasing James over Rose's death wasn't a good idea, as they ended up in the hospital wing unrecognizable, curtesy of Lily and the Marauder's.

A few days after the battle, James, Lily, and Sirius were called into Dumbledore's office. Inside they found Fleamont talking with Dumbledore, who looked as if he hadn't slept in days.

"James, Lily, Sirius, come sit." Dumbledore said, and they did so.

"So, tomorrow is the services for your Aunt and Rose." Fleamont said.

"You all are excused from classes to go. If any other of your friends wish to go, let me know and they will be excused." Dumbledore said. "You guys will floo to Potter Manor from here. You can go grab any belongings you need or wish to take with you then come back here."

"You two can go grab, I'll have what I need at home." James said, and Lily and Sirius left.

"What's going on?" Marlene asked Lily when she found Lily in her dorm room packing.

"I'm going home with James for the services for his aunt and Rose." Lily replied. "You going as well?"

"Yeah, Remus and Peter are coming too." Marlene said. "Sirius has my bag." Lily nodded, and she finished her packing. After she finished, she and Marlene made their way back to Dumbledore's office.

Inside they found everyone waiting with small bags, the room silent.

"Let's go." Fleamont said, and one by one they all entered the fire place and flooed to the manor.

When Lily appeared in the manor fireplace, the atmosphere was very different from her last visit, the whole manor seeming sad. The warm, family atmosphere was replaced with a depressive mood, even the house elves were not seen wearing a smile. Lily brought her things up to James' room, then came back down to the living room.

There she found everyone sitting around, a glass in their hand.

"Here." James said, handing her a glass as she sat on the floor next to him.

"To Nora and Rose." Fleamont said, raising his glass.

"To Nora and Rose." Everyone said and raised there glasses.

The rest of the day was filled with stories of Nora and Rose, tears being shed at the jokes and memories that were brought up. Together they had a a somber dinner before James and Lily headed upstairs to his room. Lily listened as James continued to tell stories of his aunt and niece, until he crashed.

Lily awoke the next morning as the sun came up, the birds chirping cheerfully outside. She rolled over and saw James still fast asleep, so she got up as quietly as she could, put on a pair of sweatpants, and headed downstairs.

In the kitchen she found Euphemia talking with her parents, a house elf walking up with a giant platter.

"Good morning Lily." Euphemia said as she approached, her parents turning to see her.

"How are you Lily?" Willow asked as she hugged her.

"I'm ok." Lily replied, letting go of her mother and giving her father a hug.

"We told Petunia we're safe and ok." Willow said.

"That's good." Lily said, deciding not to tell her parents about Petunia blaming Lily for their kidnapping.

"How is James?" Euphemia asked.

"Still asleep." Lily answered. "I think he's doing better."

"I don't know who today will be harder on, him or his father." Euphemia said.

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