Chapter 2

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James POV
"So head boy, how does it feel to be a head along side Lilyflower?" Sirius said in his teasing tone.

"Knock it back Pads." I say, unable to stop myself from blushing. I decide not tell tell them that Lily and I talked about being friends, Sirius would cause too much of a scene.

"Gonna give me detention for it?" Sirius says, and we laugh together. The Great Hall is loud as everyone is talking, waiting for Professor McGonagall to lead in the first years.

The doors to the Great Hall open and everyone is silent. McGonagall leads the first years to the front of the hall, stopping in front of a stool with the sorting hat.

"Look how small they are." I here Marlene say off to my side.

"No way we were that small." Lily says.

"Oh, Lilyflower. You know that's wrong. You were the shortest, pretty sure we have photo proof." Sirius says. I turn around to see Lily giving Sirius a death stare and Marlene, Mary, and Alice giggling while Frank has a smirk on his face.I crack a smile and turn around.

"When I call your name, you will step forward and I will place the sorting hat on your head." McGonagall said. We watched as all of the first years were sorted, although there seemed to be a few less than normal.

"Do you think it's because of Voldemort?" I ask, and everyone in ear shot except for Lily winces. Before I can say anything more, food appears on the tables and everyone is focused on eating. After eveyone appears to be finished eating, Dumbledoor stands up from his chair.

"It is time to begin another year at Hogwarts. I welcome all, both those who are returning and those here for the first time. As always, our caretaker, Mr. Filch would like to remind everyone that the Forbidden Forest is off limits. I want nobody to be worried about your safety, the teachers, heads, and prefects will keep you say, but I emplore everyone to stay vigilant. Now, if prefects would lead their houses to their dormitories, I bid everyone a goodnight."

"I swear he looked right at us about the forest." Sirius said, laughing slightly.

"Wonder why he would ever do that." Marlene said, rolling her eyes.

"Mr. Potter, Ms.Evans, can you come here quickly?" McGonagall said, waving at myself and Lily.

"Say hi to Minnie for us." Sirius said, smiling. I just shook my head and walked over.

"Yes, professor." lily said before I had the chance.

"As the head boy and girl, you two will share your own special dormitory, I trust that will be no issue." McGonagall said.

"No professor." Lily and I said together.

"Good." McGonagall nodded. "If you'd be so kind as to follow me I will show you where it is." We followed her out of the hall and towards Dumbledoor's office. We passed the gargoyle which served as the guard to his office and stopped in front of a portrait of a couple wearing hazel robes.

"Password." The couple asked simultaneously.

"You two get to decide the password and can tell ot to whoever you want." McGonagall said, and she gave me a little stare.

"Quidditch." Lily said immediately. "If that's fine with you, James."

"I have no issue with it." I said.

"Well, that's settled then. If you wish to change it, you must both be present to do so." McGonagall said. "All of your belongings have already been brought it. If you have any further questions you can always reach me or Professor Dumbledoor." Again, McGonagall gave me a slight look, which I took as a 'it better be a real good question to bother me in the middle if the night'.

"Thank you, professor." I said.

"Yes, thank you." Lily quickly chimed in.

"Well, have a good night you two." McGonagall said.

"Goodnight, professor." We said together and McGonagall walked away.

"Quidditch." Lily said after turning back around to face the portrait, which swung open.

"After you." I said, gesturing towards the hold the portrait revealed.

"Thank you." Lily said, as she walked in.

Lily POV

He really has seemed to change, I think as I enter our dorm.

"Woooooow." I say as I stop, looking around.

"It looks like a mini version of the Gryffindor common room." James says behind me, and he's right.

To the right of the entry way there are a couch and a pair of chairs set in front of a fireplace. Behind that there are a few bookshelves with a lair of tables and chairs. Off to the left there is the staircase up to our rooms, which we can see are labeled as 'Head Boy' on the left, and 'Head Girl' to the right. Further left of the staircase there is a small kitchen, along with a small table and a pair of chairs. There are a few windows that are placed around the common area, and they are covered over with Gryffindor colored drapes.

"This is amazing." I say, amazed.

"We even have a chandelier." James says, point to a chandelier that was right above us that I didn't even notice. "I could get used to this."

"And it's not as loud as the Gryffindor common room." I say, and we both laugh.

"Um, Lily." James says. For a splint second I think he's about to ask me out, but I decide that's not what he's about to ask as he's normally a lot more confident when he would.

"Yes?" I say.

"Where you going to tell your friends the password?" He asks. You want to bring your mates here as a hangout, I think to myself.

"I was debating on it." I say.

"Well, if you're ok with it, could I tell the guys?" He says, still somewhat timid. "If you say no that's ok, I understand."

"No, it's not fair if I let my friends have it and yours don't." I say. "We'll finish discussing that in the morning, I'd like to get everything set and get some sleep. We have to do our patrol tomorrow because that's how someone scheduled it."

"Oh, yeah, sorry." He says, his face turning red. "Well, goodnight then Lily."

"Goodnight, James." I say. I give him a quick hug, the scurry up the stairs into my room as I feel myself blushing. Why are you blushing, Lily?
In my room I find my trunk set on the floor next to a bed with Gryffindor red and gold sheets. I pull out a set of pajamas and get changed. I walk over to a mirror and just stare back at myself.
Marlene seems to be right, I think to myself. He hasn't made any sort of advances at all. Maybe he's over his crush on me, although I kind of doubt that, although I don't understand why he's suddenly all timid around me.

James POV

I watch Lily rush up the stairs into her room. She hugged me, what, twice today? I think to myself as I climb the stairs and enter my room. I pull out a quaffle and a pair of rubber mats from one of my trunks, and get changed for bed. Maybe I do have an actual chance with her. I close my eyes, a smile on my face.

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