Chapter 43

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Everyone was on their feet, some looked scared, others were confused or surprised. Suddenly the door burst opened and a student fell through.

"There's Death Eater's attacking!" The student said, terror in her voice.

"Rosemerta!" James yelled and she looked towards him. "Send everyone back through the passage."

"Got it!" She acknowledged. "Everyone, this way!"

"We'll have to find a way to make sure they all forget about our secret passage." Sirius said.

"Not the time Sirius." Remus replied.

"Let's go!" James said as he fought through the crowd towards the door.

As he stepped outside James paused for a second. There was the sound of screams, explosions, and spells everywhere, and people running.

"Listen up!" James said as everyone else came out. "We pair off and start guiding the students back. I'll go with Lily. Marlene you go with Sirius, Remus you and Peter pair up, Frank and Alice, Mary you go with Dorcas. The teachers will be here to help soon, we just have to protect the younger students."

"Let's do this!" Peter said, trying to sound as brave as he could. James gave Peter a pat on the shoulder, a fist bump to Remus, Sirius, and Frank, then grabbed Lily and headed off in a direction.

James and Lily ran towards the loudest screaming and burst around a corner and found a group of students being cornered by a trio of death eaters.

"Oi! Why don't you fight someone your own size!" James yelled and everyone turned to look at him amd Lily.

"Awfully bold of you blood traitor." One snarled.

"Stupify!" James yelled as he shot a spell towards one of the death eaters who easily deflected it. James did his best to draw the attention of the death eaters while Lily  worked her way over towards the students, casting jinxs and curses at the death eaters while also throwing shields between the death eaters and the students.

"Prongs!" A voice yelled and James glanced over his shoulder to see Remus and Peter running towards him. James looked back towards the death eaters as he felt a blast of heat and watched an explosion erupt by the death eaters.

As the dust settled James saw the three death eaters laying on the ground motionless.

"Great job Peter." Remus said as he joined James by his side.

"Are they dead?" Peter asked as he panted.

"Don't think so, just knocked out." Lily said.

"Tie em up quick and let's keep moving." James said, and they bound the death eaters together then moved on. 

They made their way together down alleyway's, stopping along the way to assist students to safety. They kept making their way towards the roar of battle when they came upon a familiar person.

"What are you four doing?" Aberforth Dumbledore asked.

"Trying to get all the students out to safety." Lily said.

"There's no more students that way." Aberforth said as he pointed towards the roar of battle. "It's just death eaters that way."

"Time to get stuck in then." James said, heading off before Aberforth could say anything, Lily, Remus, and Peter following behind.

They burst into the central square to find an all out brawl occuring, different colored spells flying around, people screaming as they were hit by spells and flying debris, pops, cracks, and explosions happening all around.

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