Chapter 42

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The next friday night James and Lily found themselves with the rest of their friends in an empty classroom. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, the door opened and Professor Flitwick and Mcgonagall entered.

"Good evening everyone." Flitwick said as he closed the door and lit candles around the room with his wand.

"Good evening Professors." The all say.

"So, tonight will be a little more fun." Mcgonagall said.

"You guys will get to practice dueling tonight against animated mannequin's." Flitwick began. "We will create little domes for you to fight in so you won't accidentally hit each other, and the mannequin's spells won't hurt."

"The object is for you to work on your footwork and stay mobile." Mcgonagall instructed. "We know you guys know what spells and how to cast them, but the duel's you've had while apart of classes and the dueling club are the more formal style. Some of you have already learned that in a real fight, you have to be mobile, constantly moving."

Mcgonagall and Flitwick set them all up with a mannequin and casted a small shield around each person, then the dueling began.

The two professors went around, giving encouragement, advise, and reminders when needed. Things like, "Good dodge." and "Nice cast" were most prevalent, although there were a few "Move your feet more." and "We said to duel, not destroy completely." were also uttered.

After over an hour of practice, Mcgonagall and Flitwick had everyone stop and circle around the two professors.

"That was very good." Mcgonagall said. "Obviously the stakes were low, but you all did well."

"Eventually we'll let you guys at each other." Flitwick said. "We also let you take these mannequins with you and let you practice whenever you want, just please be careful when dueling with them and practice in a safe spot."

"You all are dismissed." Mcgonagall said. "Miss Evans, a quick word please." Lily gave James a quick kiss and waited for the room to enpty.

"What can I do for you, professor?" Lily asked after she and Mcgonagall were the only ones left.

"I just have a favor to ask you." Mconagall said. "As we both obviously know, tomorrow is another Hogsmeade weekend. I just want you to promise me to keep an eye on James and the others and please stop them from doing anything reckless."

"I will." Lily said.

"I know you will." Mcgonagall said. "That's all I wanted, have a goodnight Ms. Evans."

"Goodnight Professor Mcgonagall." Lily said and she headed back to the head dorm.

When she got in, she found a large parcel on the couch, James sitting next to it, his head in his lap, a opened letter next to him.

"James?" Lily asked cautiously.

"It's from Rose." James answered.

"Well, open it." Lily said. "Remember what I said, she wouldn't want you to be all downtrodden." James nodded and grapped the parcel and opened it, pulling out a guitar out.

"You play guitar?" Lily asked, surprised.

"I've dabbled a little." James replied a little smirk. "Haven't played since this summer though."

"Well, give it a go then." Lily said, sitting back to allow James to get comfortable with the guitar. He began to strum, not playing any particular song, just strumming, then he suddenly began playing Eric Clapton's Layla.

"Show off." Lily laughed as James continued to play. She listened as he sang, amazed she never knew he could sing or play guitar. After he finished the song, they headed upstairs to head to bed, both of them very tired and hoping to enjoy the Hogsmeade weekend.

After breakfast the next morning, James and Lily joined the mass of students heading for Hogsmeade. They agreed with Sirius, Marlene, and the rest of their friends to meet at the Three Broomsticks after they all went around and did some shopping.

James and Lily stopped went into most shops, although James had noticed something weird.

"Did Minnie tell all the cats of the village to stalk us?" He asked Lily as they left the joke shop. Lily thought about what he said, and it dawned on her that it seemed like everywhere they had gone there was a cat.

"Seems a little odd." Lily said. "I know she's worried you'll head off and try and rescue everyone yourself."

"Is that what you two talked about last night?" James asked.

"Yes." Lily said. "She cares about you a lot, you know."

"I know." James said, shaking his head.

"Are you upset with me?" Lily asked cautiously.

"No, not at all." James replied. "It's not your fault, and I know she asked you to help persuade me not to, and I know you were going to do it anyways without her talking to you."

"Ok." Lily replied, and the continued about their day, Lily noticing cats following them as James had mentioned.

After the finished their little shopping escapade, they made their way to the Three Broomsticks to meet up with the rest of their friends, although they both noticed that something seemed off.

"Something seem off to you?" James asked everyone else as he sat down and Remus handed him a butter beer.

"Noticed there were a few more adults around than normal." Frank said.

"Aurors?" Peter suggested.

"Maybe." Lily said.

"Children make for good targets." James said.

"Enough with the sad talk." Dorcas said.

"So, what do we toast to James?" Peter asked. James though for a minute, until something clicked.

"To the endless hours of torturous studying we have been amd will be doing for NEWT's." James said as he raised his glass and everyone laughed. Everyone had huge smiles as they drank, and as everyone placed their glass back on the table there was a scream from outside, followed by a large explosion.


Thank you all again for reading and voting. hopefully you guys enjoy.

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