Chapter 22

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James POV

I awoke to the wind howling outside our window, a proper blizzard descending upon Hogwarts.

"Sounds bad." Lily said as she picked her head up from my chest.

"Yeah." I said without thinking.

"Be a nice day to stay in bed and cuddle." Lily said, letting her head back down on my chest.

"Or we could get up and make sure everything is set for the ball tonight." I said, and Lily sighed a little.

"What time is it?" Lily asked, and I turned and squinted to see the clock.

"Just after seven thirty." I said, untwisting my body and sinking back into bed.

"Just another hour, then we can get up." Lily said and closed her eyes again, and very quickly she was asleep again. I smiled to myself as I looked at her, peacefully sleeping in my arms, and all I could think was how beautiful she looked at that moment, and how I wanted to have moments like this every morning.

Lily POV

A sudden banging on James' door woke me up.

"Sirius I swear to Merlin!" James yelled to the door.

"One, I'm not Sirius." Marlene's voice yelled back. "And two, Professor Mcgonagall requires the head girl."

"Did she say why?" I asked as I began to rise.

"No, but make sure you're presentable." Marlene said back, and James and I immediately glanced at each other. We quickly rushed to get dressed, and made our way into our common room.

Sitting around we found the marauders and maraudetts, with Professor Mcgonagall sipping tea next to the fire.

"Nice of you two to join us." Sirius said, smirking.

"That'll be enough Mr.Black." Mcgonagall said, giving her famous stare. "Ms.Evans, I have something in my office for you, no it is not bad news." I sighed and grabbed a cup of tea that was offered to me by Remus.

"Thanks Remus." I said.

"You can take that with us if you want." Mcgonagall said, and I nod.

"Alright." I said and I follow Mcgonagall out of our head common room.

We walked through the halls together in silence, a few students walking about. Mcgonagall opened the door to her office and waved me in.

"Hungry?" She asks, offering a biscuit.

"Thank you." I said, taking the biscuit she offered. "Why did you want to see me?"

"I know both yourself and Mr.Potter have been very busy organizing the Christmas ball tonight, along with your other duties and classes, so I wanted to give each of you something as a thank you and recognition of your hard work." Mcgonagall said, and she handed me a large rectangular box. "Go ahead, open it."

I removed the top and my mouth dropped open. Inside was a gorgeous green ball gown, with shallow v neck.

"Professor." I manage to stutter out.

"I wore it took a Christmas ball myself when I was younger, and I want for you to have it now. You may tell your friends I gave it to you if you want to, I'll leave that to you." Mcgonagall said.

"Thank you, are you sure though?" I asked, still unable to believe what was happening.

"Yes, Ms.Evans, the dress is now yours. I don't know if you already have a dress picked out for tonight, and I would not be hurt if you chose not to wear it if that was the case." She said.

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