Chapter 36

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One week later, James woke up early on Valentine's day, hoping to cheer Lily up. The week after the last lesson Lily had been really down, having received a letter from Petunia, who blamed her for their parents being taken, and because she couldn't tell them of her successful transformation. James took some of his workout things to Lily's room to workout while she was asleep in his bed. After a brief morning workout, James gathered his workout things and left them in his room on the way to take a quick shower.

When James came out, he found Lily sitting on the edge of the bed, crying silently as she held a picture of her parents in her hands.

"I promise you, we'll get them back alive." James said, sitting down next to Lily on his bed. He rubbed her back as she wiped away the tears.

"I know," she whimpered. "I just never thought this would happen. Why did I have to be a witch?"

"Stop it." James said, more sternly than he wanted to. "This is not your fault because you're a witch. It's his fault for it all." She nodded as she put the picture down on the nightstand.

"Come on, I have something special set up for you." James said, helping Lily to her feet as he stood.

"Is this something you should be dressed for?" Lily asked, trying to put a smile on her face.

"No." James replied.

He lead Lily downstairs to their small dining room and Lily was amazed to see a large breakfast laid out on the table.

"How?" She asked, tears beginning to flow again.

"I talked with the house elves last night on my way back from practice, asked them to help me set up a little something for you." James said. "You had already retired early so I could set up without you seeing the surprise."

"You're too sweet." Lily said, then she gave him a kiss.

"I know it's obviously been hard on you with everything, but I just wanted to try and make today special." James said.

"You are." Lily said, smiling with wet eyes. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you."

"Coulda had me earlier." James said flashing a grin.

"Well, somebody needed to grow up before you deserved me." Lily said, folding her arms infront of her chest, a huge grin breaking across her face after a few seconds.

"I know." James said, grinning as well. "Happy Valentine's Day."

Lily was amazed at how all in James had gone for Valentine's day. After breakfast, came the normal morning classes, which seemed to drag on more than normal. For lunch, James had set a picinic up out near the quidditch pitch, which Lily throughly enjoyed. After the picinic came the afternoon classes, which Lily felt went by much quicker than the morning.

James was busy making dinner while Lily was upstairs when the man from their portrait spoke.

"The headmaster is outside and is wondering if he can come in?"

"Yes, let him in." James said. "Lily, Dumbledoor is here!"

"I'll be down in a minute!" Lily yelled back from her room.

"Don't care for the feast tonight?" Dumbledoor asked as he entered.

"Thought it would he more meaningful to make dinner tonight." James said as he turned his attention back to what he was cooking.

"Completely understandable." Dumbledoor said, nodding slightly.

"How can we help you?" Lily asked as she came down the stairs, now in a pair a jeans and a t-short instead of her school uniform.

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