Chapter 23

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James POV
I was enjoying a peaceful dream about quidditch when I felt warm breath on my face. I opened my eyes and was met with a dog's tongue licking my face.

"Padfoot I swear." I growled and the dog stopped immediately and jumped off the bed.

"What's goin on?" Lily asked in a sleepy voice into my chest.

"Sirius being an alarm clock." I said, whiping the dog slobber off my face.

"Come on, it's the last day before holiday." Sirius whined, now back in human form.

"I don't really care mate, what time is it?" I asked.

"Quarter to nine." He said.

"Suppose now is a good time as ever to get up." I said, flipping the covers off me and wiggling out from under Lily. She frowned at me as I got up, but slowly began to rise herself.

"Alright, dogs aren't allowed right now." Lily said, and Sirius immediately began to argue, but Lily held up her hand and Sirius stopped, then turned and left.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, gotta get that dog slobber off my face." I said.

"Isn't it kinda weird you just had your face licked by your best friend." Lily asked.

"I try not to think about it like that, just try to pretend he's just another dog." I said, shrugging as I went into the bathroom.

About a hour later I found myself standing with everyone at the platform as the Hogwarts Express rolled up. I helped Lily load her trunk despite her protests, and then we all headed to the marauders compartment, plopping ourselves on the seats. Lily settled into a book, leaning on my shoulder while I talked pranks with Remus, Peter, and Sirius, who had Marlene leaning on him.

Lily POV

We all began to stir more excitedly as the train slowed and the platform came into view. I scanned the platform as the train slowed, and I saw my parents standing there with Petunia, who had a scowl on her face, and I immediately let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" James asked as he put an arm around me.

"Petunia's here." I said, bowing my head.

"Everything will be fine, I'll be right next to you." James said. I looked up at him, a warming smile on his face, and I felt better knowing he'd be next to me.

As the train stopped everyone began to leave their compartments, and we began to grab all of our belongings. An odd sensation came over me as we all exited the train.

"What's wrong Lils?" James asked as I had stopped as soon as I got on the platform.

"I just realized, we'll only be onboard the train twice more. Going back from holiday, and then leaving forever." I said, a few tears filling my eyes.

"Don't think about that right now." James said, giving my sides a squeeze. "Think about the holiday break and all the fun we'll do when we see each other." I looked up at him and saw his hazel eyes sparkling, and I knew he was right.

"Alright, let's go." I said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"LILY!!!" I heard my mom scream as she came over, arms stretched out, my father and Petunia following behind.

"Hi mom!" I managed before she wrapped me in a bone crushing hug, and I heard James chuckle next to me. She let go, and immediately my dad started hugging me.

"We've missed you." Mom said, kissing me on the cheek.

"I've missed you too." I replied, unable to stop myself from blushing.

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