Chapter 4

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Lily POV

Marlene, Mary, Alice, and I join the crowd heading to the Great Hall for dinner.

"I gotta ask you three something." I say. "Yes, Marlene, you're right about James changing, but does he seem a little timid to you three?" Alice and Mary giggle again, they caught me staring at James during potions and charms today.

"Maybe a little." Marlene says. "But it only seems to be around you. When I see or hear him around basically everyone else he's still his confident self, just not as arrogant."

"Ok." I say. "Should I bring it up as we're patrolling tonight?"

"I would be careful about it." Marlene said. "But it's up to you." We take our seats next to the marauders and Frank sits down next to Alice, who are busy having a conversation amongst themselves.

"Only a few more days until furry time." Sirius says.

"Furry time?" I ask. All four of them have look over at me, pale as a ghost, eyes wide open. Sirius recovers the quickest.

"Maybe we'll explain if you go out with dear James, here." He says, elbowing James.

"Sirius, pack it in." James answers, giving Sirius a harder elbow back. Before we can continue the conversation, everyone's attention turns to food as the plates are filled.

"You gonna give us the password Prongsie?" Sirius says, batting his eyes towards James, who just shakes his head.

"We better get it too, if they get it." Mary says. James and I look at each other and nod.

"Come with us after dinner and we'll tell you." James says. Sirius gives a cheer and I shake my head. We finishing eating earlier than most of the hall, and James heads up to the teachers table to ask Professor Dumbledoor if we can leave early.

"No announcements tonight, we're good." He says and we all get up, Sirius skipping down the way to the doors, causing many people to laugh.

"Alright, no don't share it." I say, looking right at Sirius when we get outside our portrait. "If you do, we're changing it and you won't be allowed, and I'll probably hex you as well."

"Quidditch." James says and the portrait swings open, and I lead everyone in. Everyone (except for myself and James) are in awe of our dorm, going around and examining everything, although I manage to keep Sirius out of my bedroom. The five boys sit on the floor together and begin playing exploding snap, while I join the girls and sit around the fireplace, talking about all of NEWT speachs we got from our teachers. It feels like we're talking for only ten minutes when I look up at the clock.

"Merlin!" I exclaim, causing everyone to turn and look at me. "Curfew is in five minutes." The girls and Frank jump right up and make for the door, but Remus, Sirius, and Peter are slower to get up.

"You guys coming are?" Marlene says.

"Yeah, yeah." Sirius says. "You guys go ahead, we'll catch up." Marlene shrugs her shoulders and leads Mary, Alice, and Frank out. The four marauders then turn and come towards me.

"How much did you hear of us talking before dinner?" James asked.

"What's it mean to you?" I ask, somewhat sassy as I cross my arms.

"It means a lot to me." Remus says. I look at the four of them, I can tell there's some sort of big secret they're not telling me.

"Alright," I say. "All I heard was Sirius saying there's a few more days until furry time." Remus looks the most nervous out of everyone.

"That's it?" Remus says.

"I swear that's it." I say. "This better not be some prank thing, if it is" I don't get to finish my sentence because Remus butts in.

"It's not, I promise you." He says. "But please don't talk to anyone else about."

"I promise." I say.

"Ok." Remus says. "Let's go." He says to Sirius and Peter. They're almost at the door when Sirius pulls some bit of parchment out of his pocket, whispers something and opens it up.

"Whats that?" I ask. Sirius whispers something again and folds the parchment up and tosses it towards James. I try and grab it but he's quicker.

"It ties in with furry thing." Remus says, somewhat ashamed. "I promise we'll tell you the truth about it, in time." I swear he gives a wink towards James.

"Alright, I'll hold you to that." I say and they walk out, leaving just James and myself in the room. "Should we start our patrol?"

"Sure." James says, sticking the parchment in his pocket. "Do you wanna start in the dungeons?"

"Sure, get those out of the way first." I say and we walk out. We make our way into the dungeons and begin our patrol of the castle, making sure everyone is in their correct common rooms. We run into nobody, not even Peeves or Mr.Filch, and we're making our way back to our common room when my talk with Marlene pops in my head and I break the silence which has been around us the entire patrol.

"James, can I ask you something?" I say.

"Um, sure." He says. I see him push the parchment from Sirius deeper into his pocket.

"Are you ok?" I ask. "You seem kinda timid. If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, but I wanna make sure you're ok."

James POV

Fuck, she's noticed. You're a damn fool James, I think to myself. At least she's not asking more questions about the map or Remus' furry time.

"Um, yeah. I'm good." I say. Please sound convincing.

"It's just, you haven't seemed like your normal confident self. I like the confident James Potter." She says. I almost trip. She likes me! I turn to see her face is almost as red as her hair.

"I thought you didn't like me." I say. "I thought you hated me."

"No, I don't think I've ever truly hated you." She says. "Quidditch." The portrait opens up and we walk into our common room.

What is she saying, contain yourself James.

"I didn't like the arrogant, toerag James Potter." She says.

"Ok." I say, it's about all I can manage to say.

"You don't have to be sheepish around me, just be yourself, ok?" She says.

"Yes, Lily." I say, nodding my head.

"Ok, I'm gonna head to bed then." Lily says. "Goodnight, James."

"Goodnight Lily." I say and she walks into her bedroom.

Maybe I have a chance, just keep your head Potter and listen to what she said, I think to myself.

Lily POV

Did I just admit to him that I like him!!!! Oh my god Lily. I think to myself. I get changed and get into bed, my mind racing about my conversation with James.

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