Chapter 41

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Lily awoke the next morning to find herself alone in the bed. She bolted upright, remembering the news Dumbledore had broke to them.

"Accio map!" She said once she grabbed her wand, the Marauder's Map flying to her. She opened it and frantically looked for James on the map.

"I'm not sneaking off yet." James grunted as he stood up next to his side of the bed.

"I don't like that 'yet'." Lily scolded, although relieved. "And what were you doing?"

"Planking." James said. "Figured you would've had the reaction you did if you didn't find me when you woke up."

"Well, why didn't you say something?" Lily asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"You didn't ask." James replied, a very faint smile on his face.

"Smart ass." Lily said, closing the map. A knock on the door turned their attention.

"Are you two clothed or decent?" Sirius asked.

"Yes, you can come in." Lily said, shaking her head. "I swear we're the parents of the group."

"Thanks for taking over that role." Remus said as he entered, Sirius and Peter behind him.

"You're welcome." Lily answered sarcastically.

"What happened?" Sirius asked, standing next to the bed, looking at James.

"I don't want to talk about it." James said.

"James, you know we're gonna make you talk." Remus said. "Please don't make us do what we had to last time."

"Wait, what did you guys do?" Lily asked. "And what did you extract outa him?"

"It wasn't pretty." Remus said.

"And it's nothing." Sirius said, waving a hand.

"I want to know now." Lily said, crossing her arms.

"It was when my grandparents passed." James said.

"And how did they force it out of you?" Lily asked.

"Marauder style torture." James said.

"So, what happened?" Peter asked.

"He killed Aunt Nora." James began. "And he kidnapped Rosie." At this news Sirius turned as white as a ghost, Remus balled his fists, and Peter shuttered.

"Why?" Peter managed to ask after a few moments of silence.

"Because he's a murderous lunatic." James said, shrugging. "I don't care why, I'll kill him."

"Right with you." Sirius said.

"I'm in for it." Remus said.

"She's innocent." Peter said, shaking his head and whiping a tear away.

"They have to grow up the most." Lily said to herself.

"How did he kill Aunt N?" Sirius asked as he was trying to dry his eyes.

"She put herself between Rosie and Voldemort." James said. "Fought him, but she couldn't win."

"She fought him?" Sirius asked, amazed.

"Yeah." James said. "Dumbledore said some aurors tried to help but couldn't. He said that the aurors said she kept jumping in Voldemort's way, was trying to stop him from getting to Rose." At this point James finally broke and began to sob, his head in his hands. Sirius and Lily rushed to his sides, tears falling down Sirius' face. Remus and Peter quietly exited, leaving Sirius and Lily holding James as he cried.

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