Chapter 47

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James woke up to find a text book still open on his chest. In the week that had passed since the quidditch finale, every minute had been dedicated to studying, almost every night hosting a study group for their friends in their dorm. The entire school was stressed, more students had ended up in the hospital wing with nerves, many more barely holding on.

James got up, careful not to disturb Lily, and took a shower. When he came out, he found Lily starting to stir, fighting to fall back askeep.

"Time to get up, love." James said, walking over and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "We need to get breakfast and be down for our first exam."

"Just five minutes, I stayed up too late." Lily groaned.

"I'll dump water on you." James threatened lightly.

"Fine." Lily said, rolling out of bed and heading into the bathroom to prepare herself. She emerged a few minutes later, seemingly ready for the day.

"Ready?" James asked.

"As ready as I'll get." Lily replied.

"Then let's go." James said, offering Lily his hand, which she took.

They entered the Great Hall together, noticing many students had brought down books and notes for them to look at while they ate.

"Ready?" Lily asked her friends as they sat down.

"No." Alice said, obviously nervous.

"Just want to get them over." Mary said.

"Amen." Sirius said.

"Well, final count down starts now." Remus said.

They continued to talk about the upcoming exams while they ate, but soon it became time for their exams to start, and the Great Hall emptied, everyone heading off towards their exam rooms. James gave Lily a quick kiss and a reassuring smile before they separated to go to their seats.

James patiently sat and waited as everyone filed in and found their seats. Next, came the examiners, who passed around the tests and the special quills which had been charmed with an anti-cheating spell.

"This is the NEWT exam for transfiguration." One examiner said. "You have 1 hour to complete the written portion of the exam. Once you have finished, raise your hand and we will collect your exam. After your exam is collected you will form a line at the back of the hall and you will be taken by a different examiner to perform the practical part of the test. You may pick up your quills and begin."

James smiled to himself as he read the first question, many in the room groaning as they read the first question.

Lily worked furiously on her test, only looking up when she heard people get up out of their seats, James being the first to finish his test. Lily took almost the entire time to finish the written portion, trying to make sure she had gotten everything down that she could think of. After she finished, she got up and joined the line for the practical exam, students murmuring to themselves about the exam.

"Next." A voice called, and the next in line would leave the hall, until it was finally Lily's turn.

"Name?" The examiner asked, not bothering to look up from his parchment.

"Lily Evans." Lily answered.

"Ok." The examiner said, finally looking up from his list. "I want you to perform a few transfigurations for me, and all most be done non-verbally. Understand?"

"I understand." Lily said, nodding.

"Good." The examiner began. "So, first I want you to conjure some birds for me."

Lily nodded and took her wand out, took a deep breath, and then cleared her mind. She waved her wand and there was a loud bang and smoke, and a pair of blue bird appeared.

"Very good." The examiner said, nodding before he made the birds disappear with a wave of his wand. "Next, you'll transform this feather duster into a ferret."

Lily smiled to herself, remembering how James had always mentioned how he wanted turn Lucius Malfoy into a ferret, but quickly returning her focus back to her task. Again, Lily waved her wand, this time there was no sound or smoke, but a blur as the feather duster transformed into a white ferret.

The examiner had Lily performing a few more transfigurations before he finally let her leave, Lily rather happy with herself. She met up with James who was standing with Sirius and Remus outside the Great Hall.

"How'd it go for you two?" She asked.

"Easy." James said.

"Just because you're a natural." Remus said.

"Reasy for potions after lunch?" Lily asked.

"Probably as best as I will be." James said.

"I just want to get this week over." Remus said, a few students agree at his statement.

After a quick lunch came the potion NEWT, Lily leaving extremely confident, James a little less. Next morning came charms, Remus being the one who felt the best about his grade, then was history of magic, and nobody felt particularly stupendous.

Finally, after the final test Friday, everyone trudged into the head dorm, thoroughly exhausted.

"Well, that's done." James said, plopping on a chair.

"When did they say we'll gef our grades?" Alice asked as she sat on Frank's lap.

"Monday." Lily replied as she sat down in front of James.

"Weekend to kill." Dorcas said.

"And then graduation Friday." Mary said.

"Just one more week here, and then it's all done." Peter said, the room growing quiet for a moment as everyone took that in.

"Well, the Marauder's can't leave quietly." Sirius said.

"Not like they are going to give us detention now anyways." James said.

"And how do you plan on spending our last days here?" Frank asked.

"The biggest pranks this school has ever seen, naturally." Sirius replied.

"Naturally." Marlene said, chuckling. "But before we begin the prank siege I want some butterbeer."

"Well Peter, looks liie we're doing one final Hogsmeade run." Sirius said.

"Never thought I'd ever hear you say that." Peter said as he got up and followed Sirius out.

Within an hour, the head dorm was rocking, everyone blowing off steam, enjoying their drinks, and the four Marauder's planning their stylish exit. The party ran through dinner, James and Lily making their way to the kitchen to secure food.

It was close to midnight when James and Lily stumbled into bed, not bothering to get completely changed. They slid under the covers, passing out almost as soon as their heads hit their pillows.

Almost at the end of the story. Only a few more chapters to go.

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