Chapter 45

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James found himself overwhelmed by the amount of work they were being saddled with.

"How many more practices are you going to make us go through?" Sirius asked as they trudged back to the castle after a long practice. "I'm almost a week behind all the work we've been given, and they keep giving us more."

"The final match is in two weeks, we need to be ready." James replied.

"They have to beat us by 230 to take the cup." Sirius said.

"Look, I just want to make sure we capture it, and not blow it." James said. "After the final we'll have all the time to study."

"Is that Sirius Black wanting to study?" Lily asked as she and Marlene caught up with them.

"I just want to get it all over." Sirius said.

"Well, we can do a study group tonight in the head dorm." Lily said. "Grab everyone after you guy's clean up after practice and we'll get to work."

"And help James with cleaning up?" Marlene asked with a grin.

"That's for me to decide." Lily replied, a sly smile on her face.

Within an hour, a cleaned up James, Sirius, and Marlene, as well as Lily, were joined by Remus, Peter, Alice, Frank, Dorcas, and Mary in the head dorm. Together they all got to work, shouting answer back and forth, furiously working on the mass of homework. Nobody paid attention to the clock, and it was until Lily noticed Peter asleep on the floor she asked what time it was.

"Almost one in the morning." James said, glancing at his watch.

"Well, you guy's might as well bunk here if you want to." Lily said. They all carefully cleaned everything up, doing their best to not wake up Peter, then James and Lily headed to his room, Alice and Frank headed for Lily's room, and everyone else got themselves comfortable on the couches and chairs.

James awoke the next morning to the sound of running water coming from his bathroom. He glanced next to him and bed and found it empty, so he got up, leaving his wand and glasses behind, and headed into the bathroom.

"Is that you James?" Lily asked over the splashing over the shower she was in.

"No." James said.

"Smart ass." Lily said, poking her head around the shower curtain.

"And you love me." James said, a huge grin on his face.

"That I do." Lily said. "Now get in here."

"Yes ma'am." James said. He stripped down and got in the shower, but immediately jumped back as the water hit his skin.

"For Merlin's sake, how hot do you need the water." James exclaimed.

"Oh relax, it's not that hot." Lily said, trying to contain her laughter.

"Not that hot? You could melt a hold in a cauldron with this water." James stated.

"Oh shut up and get over here." Lily said as she reached out and grabbed James.

James whistled to himself as he descended the stairs from his room to the common area after getting dressed.

"Enjoy the shower?" Marlene asked, grinning.

"No clue what you're on about." James said, trying his best to sound innocent.

"Yeah, I bet." Marlene said, grinning wider.

"Bet what?" Sirius asked.

"Nothing." James said.

"Oh, about shower singing this morning." Sirius said.

"Knock it off pads." James said.

"What did he do now?" Lily asked she came down the steps.

"Just admiring your shower singing." Sirius said, grinning.

"Well, I've had practice." Lily said, winking at James.

"I don't need to know about your sex lives." Marlene said, throwing up her hands.

"And how come we need to listen to you tell us about every broom cub board and empty classroom you two have played around in." Lily said, her hands on her hips.

"Point taken." Marlene said, unable to stop from laughing.

They all headed down to the Great Hall together, and as they entered, although Sirius mysteriously began dancing, as if he was hit by the Tarantallegra charm. They all ate together, then after finishing, they all headed for their classes.

They met together for lunch, all of the students feeling the stress of end of years exams, the news a few students being sent to the hospital wing with nervous breaks spreading fast.

"I swear it's like they are trying to drown us with work." Sirius moaned.

"Well, final's are in two weeks." Lily said.

"Don't remind me." Mary whined.

"Look, we'll try and do those study groups more often as we get closer." James said. "And after the quidditch final this weekend we'll have even more time."

"Well, hurry up and eat, I'm excited for potions." Lily said.

"You always are." James teased.

"Just because you're too lazy to do your best doesn't mean you need to be jealous of my good marks." Lily jokingly shot back.

"I don't give teacher's pet fish." James answered, doing his best to keep a straight face.

"Mum and dad are fighting again." Sirius moaned, causing the table to erupt in laughter.

"I have news for you," James said to Sirius. "you're adopted."

"Of course." Sirius replied. "There's no way I could be related to you guy's when my hair is so much better than either of yours."

"Take that back, Black." Lily warned.

"No, I will die on that hill, but I have the best hair." Sirius proclaimed.

"You might get to die on that hill." Peter said.

"Little Lily wouldn't hurt me." Sirius said, batting his eyes towards Lily.

"You sure about that answer?" Lily asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Not entirely." Sirius said, pausing a moment before gettin up and hastening towards the exit. They all laughter for a bit, then they all got up and headed for their afternoon classes.

Lily and James entered the potion classroom, one more obviously excited than the other.

"Good afternoon class, after today's class we have only one more potion to make and then it's time for you all to do your NEWT's." Professor Slughorn said.
"Today we will do Veritaserum, and we will do it's antidote tomorrow. You may pick your partner and get to work."

"Get the cauldron ready, I'll get the ingredients." Lily said, and they began to get to work.

They worked furiously, preparing the ingredients, adding them when told, and James didn't always follow what the instructions said, saying his father had shown him a few tricks. After they finished, they poured a small amount into a vial, labeled it, and began cleaning up their station.

"This looks perfect." Slughorn said as James dropped off the vial. "We'll see if it truely is tomorrow after we make the antidote. You and Miss Evans can leave if you are all cleaned up."

James and Lily left early as allowed, and went to their head room to get a start on all of the work the teachers had given them, the rest of their friends arriving after they completed their classes. Together they headed for dinner in the Great Hall, then went back to the head dorm after they ate to continue studying. This time, they kept a better eye on the time, everyone leaving to go to bed back in the Gryffindor dorms while James and Lily settled in bed together.

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