Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Lunch has passed uneventful after Jake turned round and told everyone to stop being so nosey well when I say told I mean shouted and gave the most chilling look. It was actually pretty pleasant to be in Jake’s company, and for the first time in a while no one made comments out my weight while I was eating, which I was thankful for.

After lunch we parted our different ways, I had history which is the only class that I have on my own. It was also a class which Karla and her minions took, lucky me.  I was now sitting at my usual seat at the back out of the class, thinking about Jake; well I was until a ball of paper bounced off and head onto my desk. I pick the crumpled up note up and look round the room, my eyes land on Lauren, one of Karla’s followers. I look at her confused; she keeps nodding her head up and down. Oh she’s on about the note. I unravel the note;


I don’t know who you think you are; but I know who you are. You’re a nobody, a fat, ugly nobody; no one wants to be your friend. The people who you hang round with don’t even want to be your friend; they just feel sorry for you just like Jake. Did you really think a guy like that would like a thing like you? It’s funny to think you do, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. YOU are at the bottom of the list. Did you know he told us he felt sorry for you? See he just pities you. Why can’t you just do us all a favour and disappear? No one would even care well notice if you were gone. I bet your family didn’t even want you; they have to put up with you. I feel for them I really do. They have to see your repulsive face every day. This is a warning, STAY AWAY FROM JAKE.


Did he really think that? Was it all a game to Jake; was everything he said to me a lie? My head started to pound, the writing starts to run on the paper, I didn’t even realise I was crying. I really need to get out of here. I crumple the piece of paper and shoving it into my pocket. I make my way up to Mr. Clark’s desk keeping my head down; I really didn’t want to let the rest of the class I had been crying.

“Marie is everything all right?”

“Yes sir, can I go to the toilet please?” my voice below a whisper

“You’ve just had lunch, there’s only a few minutes left of the lesson.” I’m surprised he could even hear me.

“Please sir, I really need to go” I finally look at him, my eyes insistent.

“Okay grab your stuff, there’s not long left of the lesson anyway.” I can see his eyes searching mine, before he could say anything else; I hurried back at my desk grabbing my stuff. Walking to the front of the classroom, I felt everybody’s eyes on me and Karla smirking. As soon as I’m out of the class room I let out a sigh of relief before heading the bathroom. Thankfully there was no one else in the bathroom.

I looked up at myself in the mirror, no wonder people were staring at me. My once perfect make up is now half way down my face; my foundation is now streaky from where my tears have ran. My face did look repulsive just like Karla said. I turn on the cold tap, and then splash it on my face. The cold water feels nice against my warm skin. Grabbing some paper towels I make work of clearing my face up.

Finally after a few more minutes of cleaning the mess that Karla had made, I splashed some more water on the face before leaving. I didn’t bother to apply anymore eye liner but I did reapply my foundation to get rid of the redness around my eyes, there was only one more lesson to go and that was gym. Hopefully you couldn’t tell that I had been crying I didn’t want Meg to know that something was wrong.

I hated gym, I was terrible at it, I had no co-ordination, and I couldn’t catch a ball to save my life. I was rubbish at running; you could just say I’m a giant failure when it came to gym. Another reason why was the fact that it was our whole year, so Karla would be in there and so would the boys.

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