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Thomas's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears. I quickly hit the snooze and glanced at the time. 6:45 'yay. time for school' I thought to myself as I rolled out of my bed.
"Thomas are you up yet?!" My mother called to me from downstairs.
"Yes mom, coming!" I answered.
I threw on a T-shirt and jeans and combed my hair as I flew down the stairs. I walked to the cabinet and grabbed a granola bar.
"Is that all your going to eat, Thomas"? My mother asked.
"Yea. I'll be late if I stay here any longer". I replied as I grabbed my keys.
Soon I was pulling up in the school parking lot, my best friend Minho ran up to my car and tapped on the window eagerly.
"What's with you acting all giddy like a schoolgirl"? I asked sarcastically
Minho ignored my comment and blurted out "GALLY AND BRENDA ARE DATING"!!
I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the car. I couldn't care less, I was gay so the fact that Brenda was taken didn't bother me and I never cared when new couples got together.
"Damn." I said lying to Minho "Brenda's off the market then".
No one knew that I was gay and I intended to keep it that way. I didn't know another person in the entire school that was gay and I did not want to be the first person to come out at Wicked high.
"Ya but I don't care, I've got a thing for Teresa. I'm just surprised she picked Gally, I mean the guy's such a Slinthead". Minho said as he laughed at his own comment.
I began to walk towards my group of friends and there was Brenda sitting on Gally's lap holding his hand. I looked away, the sight bored me. just then the bell rang and I headed for class

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