Anxiety & worries

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A/N I'm getting my tonsils out tomorrow so I will be in the hospital overnight. sorry if I can't update the hospital doesn't usually have wifi. ;)

Newt was sitting on my bed. Goddamn he was handsome. His eyes were glued to the T.V. I doubt he heard me walk in. I sat down beside him. Eventually it went to commercial and he turned to face me. "What are you staring at"? He asked. I smiled. "Your cute little nose". Newt blushed and turned away. "I am NOT cute". He said shyly. I cupped his face in my hands and pulled it to face me. "yes you are." I said as I pulled him in for a kiss. Just as our lips touched the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I said as I walked downstairs slightly annoyed. I opened the door and to my surprise it was Gally. "Hey, Thomas." He said with a smile. "uhh..h-hi Gally. what are you doing here"? I asked. I was getting nervous remembering what Minho had told me about Gally. Me and Gally were never close anyways so this was very suspicious. "I can't pay visit to one of my friends?" He asked rhetorically. I allowed him inside and shut the door behind him. "Ya but you never told me you were coming". "I know" Gally started "but I feel that we don't hang out a lot so I decided to surprise you." he smiled, I could tell it was a fake one. "Oh well Newt is upstairs, he came over to watch some TV." I tried my best to sound casual. Gally raised an eyebrow, well I thought he did his eyebrows are so unreadable. "Well I'll go say hi." Gally started for the stairs. I followed nervously behind. as we walked in Newt was still watching TV. "Newt." I said, attempting to get his attention. he turned and began to say yes but stopped and looked at Gally. I hadn't told Newt how suspicious Gally was. "Hi Newt." He exclaimed. "I don't believe we've met." Newt shook his hand, totally falling for his 'nice guy' act. "Well you seem like a fine fellow." He replied to Gally's greeting. "Thank you." Gally sat down beside Newt, My Newt. I wanted Gally to leave so badly. "shall we play a game?" Gally asked. I wanted nothing more than for Gally to leave so I touched the sound button on my phone and faked getting a call. "Oh yes? Ya no jut Newt and Gally. I thought it was only Newt he just arrived. sorry. yes. okay." I looked at Gally trying to hide my smile. "sorry Gally my mom was driving past the house and saw your car, for some odd reason she only lets me have one friend over at a time and Newt planned to say here. Gally looked at me with defeat. "Fine. I'll be leaving now." I walked Gally downstairs. As Gally was walking out the door he turned to me and said; "I find it odd that I have to leave since you only had one friend over." I looked at him with confusion. "No I had you and Ne-" he cut me off "I know that Newt is more than a friend to you, I'm gonna prove it." "What? But I'm no-" Gally closed the door. Minho was right, Gally didn't think something was up- he knew.

Newtmas - highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now