What the heck is that?

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"I-I..oh my god..i haven't held one of These in forever." Newt awed over his gift. A white guitar was sitting in his arms. "So you like it?" I asked rehtorically. "I-I love it." He stuttered.

{--After The Party--}

Newt was relaxing on the couch as I was just finishing with the laundry. I walked over and say beside him, his guitar still in hand. "Play me a tune." Newt turned his head confused "What?" "On your guitar, show me what you can do!" I pressed. newt sighed "I'm no good. it's been years." I plunked my face into the palm of my hand and began to stare at him. "I'm all ears." Newt rolled his eyes. "Okay, only for you Tommy." His fingers began to strum his guitar and when the music hit my hears it sounded like heaven. I didn't think this was possible but it began to sound even better, Newt started singing.

"Say something I'm giving up on you."

He sung so sweetly, it was like an angle.

"And I'll be the one, if you want me to.

Anywhere I would have followed you.

Say something I'm giving up on you."

I began to clap as Newt looked down, his smile widening. "Babe, that was amazing!" I cheered. Newt kept smiling as he stood up, picking up his guitar. The sound of a small hard object rattling against the wood of his guitar filled their ears. "What the heck was that?" Newt asked. "I think it's coming from your guitar, let me check". I replied as I took Newts guitar and shook it lightly. A beautiful white-gold ring fell out. "What the bloody hell?" Newt asked, his face written with shock. this was it. I kneeled down. "Newt, I love you so much, more than words can describe. You have become my everything and I am forever grateful for you. Everyday I thank the world for letting you come into my life, Will you do me the amazing honour of marrying me"? Newt's mouth was covered with his hands, he was gasping. "Oh my god are you serious?!" He asked. I nodded. "You bought me a bloody ring and everything, I'm not dreaming?!" I nodded again, getting slightly worried. "YES!!" He screamed throwing himself into my arms and kissing me passionately. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes a thousand times!" He squealed into my ear.

A/N short chapter sorry I know I promised a long one and your gonna hate me but the next one will be the long one!! Ahh sorry! 😁 OH! And I have the first chapter of a new story I'm making called "the boy next door" I would really appreciate if you guys wouldn't mind reading and commenting on it. It is not Newtmas but it is boyxboy and my first time writing anything non maze runner. Thanks so much!!


Newtmas - highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now