Im a bloody mess

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Newt stared at his hand, it was covered in blood. He put his hand back on his head and felt the injury again. now he was standing on his own and I backed up. "Newt...could you tell me why you have so many injuries"? I asked slowley. he looked at me with a sadness in his eyes. "don't look at me". he said quietly. "what"? "You heard me. Don't bloody look at me"! He said it louder this time as he sat down on the floor. I was hurt but I didn't listen, I walked beside Newt and sat with him". "Why Newt? Why can't look at you, why are you bleeding so much"? I begged him for an answer. "I'm bleeding because this douche named Ryan beat me up, and why you can't look at me well you clearly can because you are". I blushed and turned my head. "Okay why don't you want me to look at you"? I asked, pushing to get him to talk. "Because.." He began "I am dirty and covered in blood and filth and I look horrible. I'm a bloody mess, litterally". I noticed a tear fall down Newts cheek as he said that. Newt was looking down at the floor and we sat there silently. I sat there building up my courage until I finally did it. I grabbed Newts chin and pulled it to the side so he was looking straight into my eyes. "you are perfect, why would you ever want to hide that? So what if some Slinthead beat you up, that doesn't mean your worthless". Newt didn't say anything, he hustled kept staring at me, his mouth slightly open. 'Dammit Thomas, you've really scared him off now 'your perfecf' my god he probably hates you now' I thought to myself. these thoughts started to hurt my head until I looked back at Newts face. it was blood covered an dirty but he looked beautiful. tears were streaming down his cheeks. he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt so wonderful as Newt was in my arms, wetting my shirt with his tears. "thank you, Tommy". He said between his sobs. I blushed, I liked how he called me 'Tommy'. After a while Newt pulled back from me and wiped his eyes. "I can walk you home if you want". I blurted out and felt stupid the moment after I said it. "I'd like that very much, Tommy". Newt said as he smiled and walked the other direction. I smiled. my insides felt warm and fuzzy, I had defiantly missed my Spanish class but it was well worth it for his lovely moment with Newt. I repeated the name in my head.
It was such a pretty name.

Newtmas - highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now