The wedding

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Me and Newt were getting married in 3 days, I was so happy how much out lives had changed for the better. me and Newt would start our own lives and maybe even adopt children one day.

Ring ring ring ring!

I answered the phone. "Hello"?
"Hello my name is Mike, I work with the police. Is Newton able to come to the phone"? My heart began to race, what did the police want?
" sorry he's taking a shower at the moment. I can take a message." I answered unprepared for what the message might be. "Okay, we were going to get his father but when we got to his home it was empty, we've been looking for him the past few days. please let us know if you see him anywhere and be careful. thank you".

I hung up. oh my god Newts father is out and looking for us. I began to sweat. My thoughts began to go for all the worst things that could happen. What if he try's to stop the wedding? Or comes here and kills Newt or myself? My thoughts were untrue pets by Newt's sweet voice calling for me. "Tommy, hon! I forgot a towel! Can you grab me one please"? As I headed for the towel closet I kept repeating the sentence in my head 'what if he try's to kill Newt' I didn't care about he myself part anymore, just Newt. I opened the door to see Newt standing with his arms out waitng. He wrapped himself up in the towel and headed for our bedroom. "Newt, can we talk"? I croaked. "Tommy.." he sighed "is it urgent"? He asked sounding annoyed. "Yes very urgent". I answered "We need to talk now." Net stuck his head out from behind the door. "Calm down Tommy, let me get some bloody clothes on"! My cheeks turned red, I had forgot that Newt had just come out of the shower. We sat down on the couch. "Now what is so urgent that you need to talk about"? He asked with a smile. My palms were sweaty, I was nervous. "Uh..Newt, your uhh dad...the uh police didn't find him y-yet." I stammered. Newts face brands written with worry. "Oh no! He'll come ruin our wedding"! He cried as he threw his hands into the air. I ran over and kneeled at his side, gently grabbing his wrists and pulling his hands back down. ""Shhh..its okay, it will all be fine". I did my best to come fort him. "We will be just fine." Newt placed his forehead on my shoulder and nuzzled his face into my neck. "Okay." he whispered softly. I knew I was lying to him, and myself. It might now be okay but we had to hope.

{--Time Skip To The Wedding Day--}

"Thomas"! I heard my mother call. "Your bow tie is crooked"! She said as she grabbed me by the shoulders and began to fiddle with my tux. "You look so handsome." she smiled. I blushed "That's mom". I bent down and kissed her on the cheek. "Now, go get married"! She squealed. I got into my car and began to drive to the church. Me and Newt decided that we would take separate cars. I showed up a few minutes before Newt and waited for him. When he arrived in his car I opens the door for him and took his hand. "Hell, Newton." I said cheerfully. "Hello, Thomas." he nodded. "Seems like a fine day to get married, don't you think"? I asked as we linked arms. "why yes it does". he laughed. I heard a twig snap from behind and turned around to see someone that's scared me more than any nightmare I've ever had. Newts father stood there, he looked homeless now. The most surprising thing was that he was sober. "Dad..get away from me. I'll call the police." Newt threatened, his eyes moistened with tears. "Newt, baby boy don't say that". shock spread across our faces. 'baby boy' did his father just say something loving? Newt kept a stern tone in his voice. "Why are you here? You ruined my childhood I don't want you to ruin my wedding". I could see how hard this was for Newt. "Newt, I'm here to support you, walk you down the aisle, play with your grandchildren, be the father you never had". Tears began to fall from Newts eyes. "You..your lying. You hate me. I'm a disgrace, you can't stand to be around me." he said in disbelief. Newts father shook his head. "No, Newt. I love you. When your mother died I became so depressed and drank so much I never really noticed what was going on. when I left the house and had all that time to think, I realized what I had done. now I'm here to fix it." Newt let go of my arm. "Dad, you told me that you love me. you've never said that". His dad tried to smile but they were both crying now. "I do love you Newt, please let my try again". Newt hugged his father, probably for the first time ever. "Of course, daddy." He whispered into his fathers ear. They looked at me. I was happy for Newt, truly I was. "So, Thomas". Newts father began "You love Newt"? He asked. "Yes sir, with all my heart". He smiled. "Good. And call me Rob." I nodded "Okay, Rob". Newt and me went our separate ways to finish getting ready whole Rob took a seat.
I stood at the alter waiting for Newt. He appeared through the door looking perfect. He had a beautiful black tux on and his hair was the perfect balance between messy and neat. As we took each others hands I looked into his eyes and mouthed the words 'I love you' He smiled and mouthed 'So so much' * I don't know anything about wedding vows so I'm skipping them ;D* the sound of Newts beautiful accent filled my ears when he said. "I do". I leaned in and passionately kissed him. We broke apart and heard cheering all around us. I looked over and saw Rob smiling at me. Everything was going to be fine, just fine.

A/N so that's it!! :) thank you all so so so so so so so so so much for reading this. I have another book out called "the by next door" and it is a boyxboy story if anyone is interested ;) it's my first time writing anything non TMR. and I will be making a new Newtmas story because this one is done so look out for that! Thank you so much for reading. <3



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