Chapter 2 - A Psychic Explanation

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Saiki's psychic life was supposed to be a secret.


So why the hell was Teruhashi right here, witness to him obviously petrifying somebody? The initial annoyance on his face from someone interrupting his nice nap turned into fear. How would he get himself out of this one?

"Teruhashi-san... What are you doing here?" That was the only response Saiki could think of. He covered his eyes to assure that Teruhashi wouldn't turn to stone. Regardless, he was completely screwed. There's no way he could make an excuse for this. Maybe he'd blame her brother's petrification on something from a certain manga.

"N-No reason!" she stuttered, hiding the reason why she was there. Thankfully for her, he was still wearing the germanium ring.

"Where are my glasses?" Saiki asked in a demanding tone. Teruhashi, still with a scared expression, grabbed the glasses and put it on for him. He made extra sure they were on before finally looking at her.

Good grief, he could already see her expression due to him using clairyovance to check his surroundings, but in first person, he really realized the impossible situation he was in. Her eyes were confused, as expected if your brother turned to stone due to someone's look.

Like he thought before, his plan to erase this memory wouldn't work. She's not Nendo, she wouldn't just forget about a whole day missing. He can't erase her memory of him... Well, he can, but he'd rather not.

Saiki sighed, as it seemed he had no other option.

"Saiki-kun, what's going on?! What happened to my brother?" Teruhashi rapidly let out questions. "Is this a prank? Did you guys set up a prank to trick me to think my brother turned to stone? No... That'd be dumb. Also, I don't think he likes you..." She muttered that last part mostly to herself.

Well, he could also go along with the prank part, but he'd rather not be associated with a pervert like him.

Saiki sat up abruptly, looking at his surroundings. Just to be sure, he took off his germanium ring. It seemed he was the only one in the park right now. "Alright."

"Alright...?" She asked, slightly tilting her head. She could hear her thoughts come flowing in his brain, his telepathy was no longer contained by the ring. Her mind was filled with questions like 'what's going on?!' and 'did Saiki do this?!'

What a pain.

Without a moment's delay, he grabbed her hand, resulting in a yelp from the girl. "S-Saiki-kun!? What are you doing?!"

Instead of a reply, he dragged her to her stone brother and grabbed his hand as well. Teruhashi's thoughts rapidly became confused due to Saiki's lack of a response. And in the next moment, she wasn't in the park. She was in an unfamiliar room.

"...Huh?" She muttered mostly to herself as she adjusted herself to her surroundings. There was a singular bed, a desk, and a TV. A completely average bedroom. Where was she, wasn't she just in the park? This doesn't make sense.

Saiki face expressed pure annoyance as he let go of both of their hands. It wasn't the end of the world, just a hindrance. He walked towards the bed and turned around, letting himself fall on his back on top of the mattress. He rested his wrist on top of his forehead as he looked at the ceiling. "Would you believe me if I told you you were dreaming?" He asked in a slightly irritated tone, still refusing to look at her.

"N-No, there's no way I'm dreaming! I know when I'm dreaming or not!"

He figured. The situation at Okinawa was a miracle; there's no hiding it this time. Now that it's come to this, he's left with one option.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now