Chapter 10 - A Psychic Understanding

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"Achoo!" Teruhashi sneezed once again. She was leaking out from every facial orifice and it wasn't doing so good to aid the perfect pretty girl persona she was trying to keep. At least nobody was watching her, but it hurt her pride to see her turn into this. She's sniffling more than a spoiled kid that got clothes for christmas.

Makoto hadn't been home the entire week. Apparently he's busy with this new movie and is required to sleep at a nearby hotel near the set. Both of them were dismayed by this. No matter how annoying of a brother he is, she really needs his obnoxious hospitality. It's better than none, anyway.

She's barely able to supply herself with food and water, nevertheless getting medication that doesn't currently exist in the house. Without anyone being home, she's lost track of time and she's only been repeating the same cycle of tasks; waking up, realizing she's still sick, feeling trash, hating life. She held onto the edges of her blanket, hiding her mouth beneath it. Only her eyes stayed out like a turtle looking out of its shell.

She felt so annoyed about all of this going on.

Or sad.

Or maybe a mixture of both.

She couldn't tell but it didn't lessen her heartache. And headache. And throat... ache.

In a sense, being sick and staying home was a good thing. Being freed from that psychic jerk was the best thing that could happen. Every cloud has a silver lining, apparently. She didn't have to deal with his confusing personality; he was sometimes so cute and funny and then other times annoying and straight up frustrating. The moment she feels close to him, he assumes his character of obstinacy without as much of a reason as why.

She groaned as she threw herself out of her bed in annoyance. She jumped on her feet, stumbling as she tried to gain balance; she shook from her fatigue, like every time she got up the past week. "Ugh!" Tired of it all, her shoulders held low, walking out the bedroom. "I'm thirsty," she said to herself. Despite her usual appearance having skin like porcelain and soft as plush, her lips were flaky and her skin was dry; she felt anything but pretty.

She wondered if she went to school now, they'd still call her pretty.

"No, I am pretty!" She punched the wall complaining to herself. She reeled her fist back in pain, grimacing. If she spends any longer like this, her superiority complex is going to turn into one of inferiority. Her arm fell to her side like a ragdoll and she sighed, "I swear, I only went in the rain, how am I out for 3 days?!"

After the 30 second journey, she made it to the kitchen. It was practically the hardest thing she's done, besides getting through to a certain psychic. And the more she thought about getting through to Saiki, did she even accomplish that? Yea, she learned about his powers and she even hung out with him, but so what? Like how it was before, he's suddenly distant, going away like the setting sun. Except it's not coming back; she assumes she didn't achieve anything after all.

This is the first time in history where she hasn't gotten what she wanted. She didn't expect it to be this bad.

She grabbed a mug from her cupboard with a cute dog pattern. "Ugh." She grabbed her forehead. She set the mug down and sat at the table, resting her forehead against her palm. She looked at her empty mug with scorn as she felt too crappy to get some water from the fridge.

The more she thought about it, the more lightheaded she got. The way she rested her forehead against her palm like an exhausted dad. "How could I be so helpless?"

If Saiki heard her, he'd make her a laughing stock... She held her head down as she thought of him. He'd probably say something like "Good grief, aren't you supposed to be the perfect girl to the 7 billion people in the world? You're a wreck." She laughed to herself as she thought about it.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now