Chapter 3 - Day with a Psychic

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Jeez, how could Saiki just leave with no explanation again?! Teruhashi sighed as she sat on her bed, grabbing her pillow for comfort. He probably won't even come even if she calls for him again. She could blackmail, but she feels the risk isn't worth it. Plus, a perfect pretty girl wouldn't blackmail anyone anyway.

Although her brother was literal trash, she couldn't help but feel worried. Is he really gonna be okay? Though, Saiki seems to be reliable enough; being a psychic and all helps a bunch.

Is he really a psychic? Well, the proof was given. It'd be stupid for her not to believe after all the abilities he's already presented. It's just a lot to take in. Though, some of the problems he's listed are kinda... unfortunate. She commemorated him for having to deal with that his entire life. In general, the thought that behind the front of such an average looking guy was an all-powerful psychic was a little scary.

Her first crush was a powerful person such as this? Maybe it's another sign that God loves her. With a powerful man like that, she could do anything-

No, wait! She doesn't like Saiki just because he's a psychic!

Plus the feelings aren't mutual anyway, he's made that clear enough. How sad... She laid down on her stomach as she hugged her pillow again, letting herself deepen in her thoughts.

She won't give up though. She always gets what she wants, after all. This was just a step closer in their relationship; now that she knows his secret, they definitely have a stronger bond.

It was already getting pretty late. Maybe she should turn in for today... It'll ruin her skin if she doesn't get 8 hours of sleep...


"Wake up." Her brother awoke Teruhashi by slightly shaking her body. She let out a groan in annoyance as he saw her brother shaking her with a straight face.

"Jeez, what is it, big brother?" she cringed as she rolled to the other side.

"It's almost time for the gig. Hurry up and tell me where it is." He shook her once again.

"Huh? Why did you need to wake me up? You know where it is and if you forgot just text your employer..." She groaned.

Wait a minute, this isn't right.

"Aren't you supposed to be stone?!" She got up immediately and pointed at him with confusion. It creeped her out of how uncreepy he is being right now! And... Were those Saiki's hairpins and glasses?! Where'd he get them?

"Relax, it's just me." 'Makoto' reassured with another straight face. Was he always this emotionless? "Saiki."

"S-Saiki-kun?! How'd you get here?" She asked with a yell, but then her thoughts answered it for her. "Ah, right. Teleportation... But how do you look like my brother?"

"I shapeshifted myself into your brother. You can see the inconsistencies on my face," he pointed to his face and he was right, it wasn't perfectly his brother. Still good enough to make a lie, though (She was nervous about the diehard fans seeing it though). "Originally, I was gonna mind control everyone to make them think you were your brother, but then I realized how feminine you actually are."

Teruhashi imagined an image of her brother acting like herself and let out a look of disgust.

"Besides, the last time I got a girl to fill in for a guy it went horribly. I truly am the only person I can rely on. I didn't even know my ability worked like this until I tried it.

"What, who was it-"

Saiki immediately cut her off. "Anyway, where is it? I'll teleport there and-"

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now