Chapter 11 - A Psychic Embrace

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Teruhashi woke up with a yawn, stretching her arm upwards with tightly closed eyes. It was the first time she had a good night of sleep since 4 days ago. Still, those 4 days felt like a millennia. Ever since she got sick, which couldn't have been more than four days. She looked down at her plushies on the bed and smiled as she hugged one. She just felt like it.

She turned to the right, plushie still in her grasp. A pink-haired boy lay there on her seat, his elbow on the armrest and his head resting against the palm of his hand.

"What, Saiki?!" She yelled. The poor plushie went flying away into the horizon as she threw it in surprise. He awoke too, rubbing his eyes.

"Ugh, what is it?" He yawns as well, rubbing his eye with one fist.

The memories from yesterday came flooding back, her face instantly turning red. "Ah right, sorry I forgot..." Saiki opening up was a memory she would cherish for the rest of her life, but just as great as it was, it was unexpected. "Did that seriously happen yesterday? You, um, being like an actual person?"

"Yea." He replied dryly as if nothing happened. "A shocker, I know. I can't believe it myself, I never thought I'd act so vulnerable."

"Because of me, right?" She teased.

"Uh huh." With a sarcastic tone, he nodded his head. "Very uncharacteristic of me, I'll make sure not to do something so foolish again."

She couldn't help but smile. The lost relationship full of authenticity was back. She can't remember when exactly it was dropped, but she's glad they picked it up again.

"Hey, you feel better." He remarked.

She blinked. That should've been her first thought, but the shock of him being here overrode that. Just to make sure, she pressed the back of her hand against her forehead. It wasn't warm. "Yea, I am better!" She beamed.

"That's good. Last time, it only took a day for you to get better."

"Well, that's because I had at least some hospitality!" She complained. "This time, my brother was gone. Well, he was useless last time, but I was overworking myself, jeez..."

"I guess there's a gray area of over-hospitality and under-hospitality," he mused. "Anyway, we should probably go now.

"What do you mean?"

He stared at her, throwing his bag around his shoulder. "We still have class today." She looked at him like an idiot.

"Ah, right..." She scratched her head as she threw the blanket off her. Though, she immediately neatly put it back on the bed due to her perfectionist self. Speaking of the act of being, she wondered what everyone would do when she would get back. They'll be stoked that the perfect girl is finally back. There'll be a festival from her arrival, she's sure.

Wait... She hasn't exactly been hygienic recently. She turned to look at him with sorrow drawn in her eyes. "W-Wait!"

"What?" He didn't sound too amused.

"Do I look ugly right now?"

"Well," he put his hand on his chin as he observed her. His constant "hm"ing as he got a closer look made her wanna cry. In fact, she almost did. "I'm just kidding. You look fine."

"Fine as in hot or fine as in just okay?"

He gave an annoyed look, cringing slightly. "Fine as in, you look like you usually do." She smiled, signaling the accepted answer as she got out her phone, checking herself out in her camera app.

"Ah, what am I talking about? I look beautiful as always!" She grinned as she checked herself out in different positions. "I'm the perfect pretty girl, after all! Seriously, it's a shocker you're not heads over heels right now to see my messy hair!" Her hair, when messy, was pretty much a style.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now