Chapter 8 - The Worst Psychic

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'Saiki is avoiding me.'

She fought against her mind to deny this truth, but the thought stayed unwavering. She'd rather not think that anyone would try to ignore her of all people but it's undeniable at this point.

He's so frustrating. What is he, a sadist? He did that stunt a few days back and now refuses to talk to her at all with no explanation? He really is the worst. He probably heard her thoughts as well and is spying on her at this very moment. Despite that, he's probably not doing anything about her current mental state. The more she thinks about it, the more of a headache she gets.

She tapped her finger on her desk as she turned slightly to the right. He was right beside her but he was ignoring her existence entirely. Just a few days ago, they were hanging out, so what happened? Did Yumehara's plan backfire that badly? She shook her head, there's no way she pissed him off badly enough for him to ignore her of all people. There has to be something off that isn't just her. Maybe that was her defense mechanism; her pure narcissism shrouded the truth presented to her in a dark casket. Maybe she's invisible. Maybe she awoke psychic powers and didn't realize.

Saiki suddenly eyed the girl, raising a brow before realizing he was looking at her and looking forward to the teacher once again.

Did something change about her? She must look the same because even now she can feel the eyes of at least 6 students on her. She brought her collar to her nose and sniffed. She still smells elegant as well. She looked down.

Her chest?

She turned her head towards him- and despite his consistent ignoring- Saiki shook his head. Funnily enough, that's the first real interaction they had since they last walked home together.

Of course, she still tried Yumehara's plans to no avail. The love letters she gave out started to become repetitive and she was starting to get bored talking to a psychic wall. He's so lucky that he never talks in general so it's not suspicious to the others that he is ignoring her.

As class ended and shifted into lunch, Saiki walked out with Nendou and Kaidou not far behind. Instead of appealing to her fanclub, she patted Kaidou on the shoulder with a pretty, yet forced, grin. "Kaidou-kun, can I ask you something?"

He blushed before scratching the back of his head modestly, "O-Of course!"

"Are you getting confessed to, chibi?" Nendou teased as he elbowed him on the shoulder.

"Of course not!!" Kaidou cried. "I'm not worthy."

What a pessimist.


"Huh, Saiki?" Kaidou asked next to the staircase they met up at, leaning against the wall as he crossed his arms. "No, I haven't noticed anything weird about him. Nor did anything happen recently. Oh, wait. Something did happen."

"What?" She asked expectantly, leaning forward with much interest.

"I accidentally stole his pen." Kaidou was filled with grief as he picked up a pen from his pocket, turning his head to the side in guilt.

"No one cares about that!" She slapped the pen out of his hand. Upon seeing his expression, she let out a comforting smile. "Sorry. Did nothing really happen?"

Kaidou shrugged, "He seems fine to me. Is he ignoring you?"

Teruhashi returned a shrug as well as she gave a meak response, "I'm not sure. He's not talking to me as much as he used to."

"Do you think he's fallen in..." He tapped his fingers together.

"Off the stairs?" Teruhashi asked.

"No. The L Word... You know..." He started blushing as he faced his head away in embarrassment. "Ahh, it's too embarrassing to say! I don't want to snitch on Saiki if my hypothesis is true!" He covered his face in his hands.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now