Chapter 7 - A Psychic Isn't Supposed To Be Alluring

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Maybe it's due to Saiki looking at everything through a narcissistic lens, but he didn't expect things to backfire this hard. He had to ponder why exactly everything that's happened has, well, happened.

As Teruhashi's fiery gaze burned into him, he was left wondering why he even did that? He awkwardly tried to shrink down (not literally) behind the table, but that didn't stop her from looking at him so intently. In an effort to change fate, he let out these hard hitting words, "Haha, that was in a platonic way. By the way."

"Like hell it was!" She flipped.

He thought of deleting her memories through the nanana, but he was a little afraid of what would replace her mind of what really happened. Especially with the implication of the two of them alone and her wild imagination, he'd rather deal with the situation now than the potential one in the future. Still... The future ahead of him isn't looking too bright. He shrugged off the thought as the flustered Teruhashi was still arguing with him. Her protests became white noise as Saiki stood at the door frame, thinking to himself.

"Well, sorry." He gave a half-assed apology with a shrug. "Try not to think about it too much. I was high from the coffee jelly."

She huffed as she crossed her arms. "Fine. I got my point across anyways. I don't care about getting you to admit you like me. Yet." Her last word held a lot of cocky jurisdiction, making Saiki's eyebrow twitch in slight annoyance. Maybe her smug smile pissed him off even more. Does she seriously think he can fall or anyone? In an instant, her smile was smeared off her face as the annoying buzzing of a phone ringing filled the room. "Sorry, give me a sec..." She mumbled as she answered it.

Saiki couldn't hear anything but incomprehensible noise from a wild animal of some sort. Or maybe just an annoying brother, but there's not much of a difference between the two. After Teruhashi successfully quelled the beast over the phone, she let out a sigh and turned to Saiki. "Yea, I should probably get going now."

"Good idea," he replied, eyeing the girl's patent disappointment based on the frown on her face.

As she passed by Saiki at the door frame, he followed behind and watched as she put her shoes on. He crossed his arms as the awkward silence unnerved the two teenagers. Finally, she fit the last shoe on as she waved a 'goodbye' to Saiki. He waved back and then her angelic grotesque presence was gone.


Teruhashi's frustration became not vented and it stressed her out greatly. It wasn't like her to get this stressed over for stupid pride. "Kokomi, I made dinner!" Her brother called out to her as she sat at the couch in her living room, letting his stupid show play in the background that he was so determined to put on.

"Sorry, give me a second, Makoto..." She half-mumbled as she buried herself in her phone. Her finger halted at the send button to send the text towards her best friend. Teruhashi trusts Yumehara with everything. Everything except for romance.

She's not the best at giving advice; one time she suggested Teruhashi to make out with Saiki under the sweet rain. Tempting, but unrealistic. It made so much sense now why Saiki avoided the two of them whenever it rained for the past month.

She doesn't trust whatever crazy plan she would give her this time.

Of course, she didn't tell her about any of his psychic powers. Instead of her getting teleported, she replaced it with him forcibly putting her on his lap.

Honestly, it sounds worse like that but she has to tell the story to someone.

Reluctantly, she finally tapped down. She needed to tell someone and she's the only person she can tell.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now