Chapter 17 - Psychic

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He returns home condemned by an odd feeling in his stomach. Or chest. Or both. It felt like he was about to throw up. He practically collapsed in the house after entering the front door. Steadying himself by placing his hand against the wall, he meekly took his shoes off. The decision was half in the spur of the moment. There are many issues with erasing months of memory; for one, it'd be difficult to replace every incident of him with a new memory. He feared for what Teruhashi's mind would replace it with.

The anime-edition nanana usually only works for a few minutes of memory. However, if he takes off his limiter then he could remove up to a few months. It's hard to control, however. He had to make sure he removed every memory of her since that fateful day at the park while also keeping every memory before. Even now he's doubtful he correctly did it.

If he was thinking properly, they wouldn't have been involved in the first place.

Out of everyone in the world, she was the most unreadable. She was a perfect match against him, and it intrigued him. Yes, he'll admit he had a tiny bit of interest in her due to her almost supernatural abilities. She doesn't know it- because he never admitted it- but many problems at PK Academy were because of them. Together, they were invincible. Together, they were wrong.

It was similar to the tale of Izanagi and Izanami, two deities in Japanese mythology. They possessed mass power, creating Japan and birthed many of the later Gods. They were a perfect match, being able to achieve anything as long as they were together. However, with the birth of the fire god, Izanami had perished causing Izanagi great grief. In an effort to save his wife, he traveled to the Land of the Dead to meet her once again selfishly.

They had no good ending. He had only seen a possessed rotten corpse, as she turned to attack him. It was a worse ending than the original one, spurred by his stubbornness.

Saiki was no Izanagi, not respecting his views. When she was lost, Izanagi should have given up instantly. Instead, he risked it all for nothing. If he wasn't so selfish, maybe his wife would have been happy in the Land of the Dead. Saiki knows when to let someone go when it's not right.

As he kicked his shoes off, he sensed his brother looking at him with an appalled, if not disappointed, look on his face. It's the first time he's seen his brother look at him with genuine disappointment. It demoralized him more than he already had been.

"What? You have a problem?" Kusuo was ready to fight back anything he said.

Kusuke merely tapped his imaginary glasses, a shit-eating smile on his face. Kusuo took off his glasses (minding to face away from his brother) and noticed a hidden microphone in it. Frustrated, he destroyed it with a swipe of his fingers and telepathically tore it off his glasses. "Seriously? Again? How long has that been there?"

"For a while now," Kusuke muses, walking to the living room. "I got curious about that Teruhashi girl." Kusuo followed behind him, ready to get in an argument. However, instead, he merely took the remote and turned on the TV.

Puzzled, Kusuo spoke up, "You know, most people have an excuse for spying on others. Do you not have one? Albeit, I already know it'll be a pretty shitty reason." He noticed that his words turned out to be more antagonizing than he had intended.

"Kusuo, everything I do has shitty reasoning." Kusuke didn't take his eyes off the TV. "But, I guess that's where we're pretty similar."

The psychic stood silent, already understanding what he was implying.

"That was shitty, Kusuo."

For the first time in his life, Kusuo didn't know how to argue back. In his heart, he felt for the first time that Kusuke was right. It wouldn't affect his resolve, but it definitely was disheartening. The feeling in his stomach became worse, so Kusuo went up to his room. He didn't look back at his brother in fear that he'd feel even more pathetic from his disappointed gaze.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now