Chapter 4 - Joining the Psykickers

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Saiki tried to walk into the school the next day, completely forgetting about Karaoke night last night.

At least, until Toritsuka and Aiura barraged him as soon as he entered the front gates, calling his name multiple times.


"Saiki-san, where were you yesterday! You really left us hanging!" Toritsuka cried.

"Yea, Kusuo! I had to stay with this weirdo for an hour." Aiura complained as she pointed to the spirit medium. "He kept sneaking looks at my breasts every minute!"

"Hey, it was only every 10 minutes! I have some respect."

"Be quiet." Saiki grimaced. "I had to deal with a minor issue. Turned a famous actor into stone and had to fill in."

"Eh?! Who?!" They yelled at the same time. Eyes pointed their way as Saiki cringed.

"No one important," he muttered. "Just some pervert, though nothing compared to Toritsuka."


"Let's not discuss it now. There are too many people." Saiki asked as he looked around. There were only a few people walking to their classes, most weren't paying attention to them anymore. And in general no one was really focusing on them because Saiki is average, Toritsuka is hated, and people have learned to tune out Aiura's excessive talking.

"Okay!" Toritsuka gave a thumbs up. "Then... We're rescheduling karaoke to today!"

"Yea!" Aiura agreed as they exchanged a high five.

He would rather do anything else except for that.

"Hm? What's this?" Akechi appeared between the two of them, letting out a yell from them. "Are you three planning something without me? How rude, I just know I'm a part of this group too, so I wonder why I'm not included. What were we called again? The Psy-kickers? The Psychic Kids? The Beetles? Either way, that doesn't matter. I just have to wonder why I wasn't invited, in fact, I feel kind of betrayed right now! It hurts my feelings to not be included, but I'm actually a little used to it. I'm sure you know, Kusuo-kun. I wasn't very liked in elementary school. But still, I thought we were best friends, Kusuo-kun! Was that inquiry wrong?"

"Ahhhh! Stop!" Toritsuka begged for mercy as he covered his ears. "You can come too!"

"Ahh, I truly am relieved!" He sighed happily. "It's a given that some people would forget about inviting their friends once in a while. Did you know, it's quite common for people to get forgetful as they get older? Of course you did, everyone knows that, haha! Just giving that small insight if you hadn't known. Or maybe you dwelled too much into your own pleasure that you forgot about the kindness and practicality to inviting others, quite similar to those of the Lotus-Eaters in Greek mythology! Maybe that's not the best metaphor actually, let me think of another one."

"I'm going to cry." Toritsuka sniffled. He talked so much it was losing meaning. Seriously, doesn't he know how hard it is to write his dialogue?


After finally leaving the three of them, Saiki was able to finally go to homeroom. Though, as soon as Saiki walked into class, he was greeted by a new group barraging him; Kaido, Nendo, and Hairo.

"Oh, Saiki! It's a relief to know I didn't have to save you from the Dark Reunion after all! I knew there was a reason we are partners..."

'We're partners?'

"Hey, pal! Did the shit yesterday hurt?"

'What shit?'

"SAIKI-KUN! I'm glad you didn't give up!"

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now