Chapter 5 - A Psychic Can't Get Alone Time

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The psychic laid stationary in his living room, his germanium ring on so he could focus on the screen in front of him. He rested on his side, using his arm as a pillow as he looked at the TV. He let out a yawn before taking a sip of his coffee on the table in front of him.

It's a nice Saturday morning. His parents were at work, Kusuke was abroad somewhere (finally) so he could relax without anyone interrupting him.

Two days ago, he had to go through hell at karaoke night with the self-proclaimed psykickers. A day later, he had to deal with the usual shenanigans between Kaido, Nendo, and Kuboyasu. Though, once again, he feels he's forgetting something.

Probably not that important if he's forgotten about it.

He took another sip, then immediately spat it out on the floor as the doorbell went off. Right, he's not used to that. He turned off the TV before using telekinesis to pick up just the liquid and poured it in the sink before checking who was at the door. If it's a door-to-door salesman he'll teleport them to Canada for interrupting his peaceful time.

He took off the ring.

'I wonder if Saiki's home...' He heard a familiar voice; it unmistakingly belonged to Teruhashi. 'Wait, he can hear my thoughts! If he can hear me, he'll open the door.'


He sat back down.

'I brought all the books we need for the project... Jeez, this is heavy...'

Oh yea...


"Thanks for letting me in, Saiki-kun!" Teruhashi smiled with a bubbly attitude, checking to see if anyone is around.

"I'll call Toritsuka-" Saiki started, before Teruhashi let out her hand.

"He's busy!"

Really now? "It's okay, whatever he has going on is unimportant. It won't matter-"

"I went by his house earlier before I went to you," Teruhashi started, he knew she wasn't lying by using telepathy (or else she's the best liar in the world to even hide it in her thoughts), "and he was helping one of our classmates out to talk to their dead relative."

Saiki paused for a moment, before assuming a smile. He shouldn't think so lowly of hi-

He reconsidered that thought when peering into her memories as Toritsuka was very clearly rustling against the girl with a blush on his face.

'This is the only way for the ceremony to work, trust me!'

'I-I understand! Thank you for your assistance...' the girl mumbled, fidgeting as the spirit medium nuzzled against her.

What the hell, Toritsuka?

Whatever, he's doing a half-good job at using his powers. He just has to hope he's actually letting her talk to her relative or else he's gonna make him a ghost too.

Teruhashi let go of her bag which was filled with books near his table, letting out a grunt. She smiled as she sat down at the tatami seat, her hands on her lap. Saiki offered a cup of tea, and sat down on the opposite side of her. Teruhashi frowned at the distance he obviously put between them but recently she learned to accept it.

"Hey, by the way... How'd the ordeal with your brother go after he lost a day?" Saiki asked. He could've just used clairyovance to figure it out himself, but at that time he was watching the sweets channel on television and had to truly get enveloped in the experience; by putting on his germanium ring and being in the serenity of silence.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now