Chapter 9 - A Psychic Isn't A God

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'How could this happen?' That was the only thought that stayed in Teruhashi's mind as she laid in her bed. She grasped the ends of her blanket tightly as she sniffled deeply. Yep, what had happened was...

She's sick.

Nothing else happened, she's just sick. She grasped the mug of water on her bedside, gulping it down as she let out another groan in annoyance. How could she get sick right now? Out of every time she got sick, she was annoyed that it was now. It was just after the argument with Saiki, so now it seems like she's sulking.

She was not sulking for that heartless dick.

She sneezed, groaning before burying her face into her pillow. She didn't care at this point if it was messing up her perfect figure; she felt awful in more ways than one. Her brother was out filming somewhere stupid, she didn't bother to ask for details about it. She was truly alone this time.

She usually never gets sick. God loves her too much to be prone to meek diseases like a cold. Everytime she had been sick, there was something good to come out of it. Maybe this is a good thing in of itself; an excuse to not see that damned pink-haired boy again.

Maybe that's what's happening, and if so, thank you God.


Saiki knew what was happening, and he didn't want to interfere this time. Reading her thoughts, he could've laughed if there wasn't a knot in his chest right now. He actually made her hate him. If it was him in the past, Saiki would be celebrating; he didn't know how easy it could've been.

He bit the bottom of his lip, tapping at his desk quickly.

"Oui, Saiki!" Kaidou waved at his friend as he walked into the classroom. "What's with that look?"

Noticing the discrepancy in his attitude, he assumed his bland expression once again. "Sorry." He said, sitting up straight.

Kaidou looked puzzled as he walked towards his own seat, "It's alright."

"Hey, where's Teruhashi?" Yumehara asked as she looked around the room. The conversations amongst the class stopped as they looked towards the classroom.

'She has a cold, but for the first time, there's nothing I can do,' he thought as he placed the palm on his forehead. He may be somewhat of a God, but he can't cure diseases without killing her. Usually he would set himself on fire to cure his own disease, but he's pretty sure that would brutally scar the girl if not kill her.

"Have you checked up your butt?" Nendou asked.

"Bro, you can't say that to a girl," Kuboyasu angrily looked at him.

"Huh? It's a real suggestion."

The teacher walked in with a smile in his face, preparing to begin class. "Alright, take your seats."

Everyone was in their seats.

"Huh? Is Teruhashi absent?"

Maybe if they checked again, she'd suddenly appear at the desk. So everyone looked once again, and realized that maybe the classroom isn't a refrigerator that suddenly has food when reopened.

They all nodded their heads in despair. "Yes sir, she's absent." One said.

"Ah, I see." The teacher turned his back to the students, placing the chalk down. He put his hands in his pocket. "Independent study for this block." The room was silent for a moment as they stared at the teacher in disbelief. He casually walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

How come everytime Teruhashi goes missing, the teacher does this? The school needs to hire better faculty.

Saiki looked in the corner of his eye to see Hairo getting out from his seat, in which he grimaced. He didn't want him to run out and try to sacrifice himself again.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now