Chapter 14 - Psychic Problem

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He let himself get carried away, and this happens.

"Teruhashi Kokomi's crush revealed! (The answer will SURPRISE YOU!)"

"Teruhashi-san actually has a crush!" One boy cried, reading the newspaper in front of him. "God damn it, how could this happen..."

"And to think that it's..." Everyone stared at the pink-haired boy. He was just as shocked to see this newspaper as everyone else was. He was just as distraught, too.

How could this happen?

He won't deny it; he heard Teruhashi's thoughts from earlier. How couldn't he have? Even as her thoughts were hidden underneath the multiple layers of others' thoughts, he wanted to hear hers the most. Don't get him wrong, he just had to make sure that she wasn't dissing his dancing or anything.

He truly regrets taking that dance with her if it were to lead to feelings like that. There's nothing more impactful to a relationship than love. They can't have a genuine relationship if it's clouded by love.

...A small part of him was relieved to hear that from her, embarrassingly enough to admit. It was reminiscent of what they had before. Though, he didn't want it to be revealed like this. While he was distracted with Nendou and Kaidou, all this had happened.

Last night, he was busy judging an all-out dance battle between the two. He didn't know how it happened, he just got involved. It was a tough choice between the two, really. They were both equally horrible at it. When Kuboyasu and Hairou got involved in an all-out dance battle royale, it truly became even worse. At that point, Saiki debated whether to go home or numb his brain with alcohol.

That story isn't important right now though. As he looked at this newspaper, the dread started to kick in. The most popular girl in the school has a crush on him. Not only will this be an influx of jealous people trying to get rid of him, but there's also a chance that a group of people is going to try to befriend him to get closer to Teruhashi.

'Save me.'

Why didn't his precognition protect him? And how did those reporters even figure this out? The answers were unclear and he would need to interrogate Teruhashi afterward.

"Hey, Saiki!" A boy grabbed his shirt collar. A bunch of students followed suit, all fostering the same expression of anger. It looks like it's already starting. "What is the meaning of this poster!?"

Good grief, looks like he'll have to use it. It's been a while since he actually had to resort to this, but...

He donned a confused face.

"The hell is that!? That doesn't explain shit! You're one lucky dick, you know that!?"

He could hear Manako's thoughts. She was cackling to herself about how reporting truly is power and she was ecstatic at how much attention she was getting. He's gonna cause true misfortune to her later when he gets out of this situation.

"It's not true." A feminine voice peered through. They were all evoked in a bright light as the boy let go of Saiki, looking at the source of the luminescence. "This news isn't true."

"What do you mean?" A boy asked. "But the poster-"

"Manako-san got a little tipsy yesterday at Saiko's party. She wasn't able to properly interpret what I said," she explained calmly.

"Oh...?" Manako approaches the crowd, a complacent smirk on her face. The attention went on her as she put a hand on her hip. She put her other hand up, holding her phone. "Really, then what is this?" She tapped the screen with a devious grin. Teruhashi's face paled as with Manako's touch, subsequently, her fate would be sealed.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now