Chapter 13 - Psychic Feel

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Teruhashi Kokomi is terrifying.

Saiki has never felt so vulnerable in his life. It's scary. Is she a parasite, slowly making him lower his guard until she can bite?

He mentally cursed himself, slipping a scoop of coffee jelly into his mouth. It was the only comfort he'd get amidst the distressing emotions he felt. Of course, in his disastrous life, such a luxury will never be granted.

A gyaru walked in, a crystal ball between her arm and chest as she ran up to Saiki, "Kusuooo!"

"What?" He sighed. Aiura Mikoto would occasionally ruin his calm time like this by ambushing him. It's impossible to avoid a psychic like herself so he's grown to accept, or rather, tolerate it.

"Why has your compatibility with Teruhashi grown to new bounds!" She cried as she slammed the excessively decorated crystal ball on the table. The coffee jelly jiggled from the impact.

"I thought you said you wanted me to fix that," the coffee jelly flourished in his spoon. He admired the jiggle. "My compatibility with this jelly should be the highest anyway. There's nothing to worry about."

She did not care about the jiggle. "Yea, but not this much!" She complained, waving her arms around excessively. "It was around 5%, then dropped to less than 1%. Now, it's almost reached 50%!"

He paused. "Seriously?" He could never imagine himself falling in love, so even the 5% compatibility was a surprise. To reach almost 50% was the climax of all his surprises. "It's that high?"

"Yea, so what's the deal with that?" She demanded, smacking the table.

"I don't know. It shouldn't be that high, because I haven't done anything with her," he lied. "What about us? What's our compatibility?"

"Around 30%." She replied, rather proud of her accomplishments. Saiki found it repulsive how high his compatibility was with these other girls. When did he change? "It started out as 10% though, so I've been working hard to improve it!"

"Hey, aren't I your fated mister right?" he asked. If it's fate, then surely their compatibility would be 100%. There's a grand deal of questions that come with psychic powers.

"Yea, but I may not be yours." She shook her head, sitting down at the booth as she composed herself. Putting a finger up, she explained, "To my taste, you're the one that I'd love the most if we got together. However, you may have the potential to love someone that isn't me. Which of course, isn't gonna happen, cuz it's totes gonna be me!"

He was curious. "Hey, have you ever looked at my fated S.O?" He donned a neutral expression as always, but Aiura raised a brow at his question as if he was perversely asking it

"Wow, Kusuo," she snickered, waving her hand, "I never knew you'd be interested in romance. But because you want it so bad, I'll read it!"

"I said if you had read it, not to." He didn't object, however. He observed the ball as a multitude of colors filled it. The next moment, an image covered by clouds that would soon be revealed appeared.

"...It's blank." The clouds cleared up, revealing an empty frame.

"Oh, so I can't love anyone after all." Good. He needed the reassurance. He leaned back in the booth, sitting a little too casually as he put a spoonful of coffee jelly into his mouth.

"Well, this is different. I've seen what happens to aromantic people, it just doesn't work." She explained.

Saiki raised a brow. "This didn't work." He looked at the foggy crystal ball with the empty silhouette in frame.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now