Chapter 18 - Unapproachable Psychic

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A.N: For those who have caught up, I have changed a few things with the story!

1. Saiki apports the germanium ring back.

2. The project between Teruhashi, Toritsuka, and Saiki was changed to focus on japanese deities instead of american presidents (i always regretted talking about american presidents.)

They're not really that important, but whatever.

More notes on the end. 

Teruhashi found herself back in the class 3-1, her cheek resting against her palm. It was almost dystopian seeing all those knocked out bodies in the hall. If she didn't know the context, she'd assume they were dead and she was in some sort of zombie movie. At any moment, they'd reanimate and murder her.

She's sure God would protect her, though.

She was going to go home, but she'd have to step on a pile of bodies. The thought disgusted her, so she decided to wait it out until they awoke. Plus, it'd be suspicious if she was the only person to walk out of a school full of unconscious students. It also gave her an excuse to gather her thoughts.

First of all, what the hell just happened?

Is there a reason that she's awake right now? Did Saiki intentionally keep her awake? ...No, that couldn't be the case; he has no reason to. It's probably due to her luck and God's blessing that kept her awake. She was coincidentally buried by Nendou's huge body, so Saiki didn't reach her.

But, if he had telepathy, then shouldn't he know she's alive? He must have some sort of inhibitor, then, or just refusing to listen to her. He seems very thorough with this, so it has to be the former.

A tornado formed, with no indication from any source. It also formed in a very unlikely neighborhood, tornadoes are rare in this area. He saved the school from it, and knocked everyone out as soon as he revealed himself. Could he be trying to make everyone forget about his power?

No, that doesn't make sense either. He tried to make sure everyone was aware of his powers, even firing a beam into the sky so everyone was sure. She thought for a moment, biting her thumb.

Maybe he caused the tornado? He needed a reason to be grand and heroic, so he formed his own tornado by taking advantage of the weather. It would explain why it was unanticipated and how it formed in such an area. It's definitely possible for him to form his own tornado, given his show of powers.

She always wondered how the meteor was stopped, but it's so clear now. Saiki stopped it. No government drone as was explained, no, it was this amateur boy. He never revealed himself before, so why would he do it now? Obviously, there must be an important reason because he hasn't brought attention to himself before.

She laughed to herself. For the first time, she felt like she was reading him pretty well. It was because this action is so not him. When he's acting so off, of course she can read him.

But, the main question still remained. Why?

Why did he do it?

She tapped her finger on the desk. She wouldn't be able to figure it out alone; she'd have to confront him. Actually no, that's wrong... He'd probably knock her out and do what he did to everyone else. But what did he do to everyone else? The earlier hypothesis of him trying to get everyone to forget about his powers popped in her mind.

What if he was trying to get others to forget about something else? Of course, it was a shot in the dark, but she can't imagine him knocking everyone out for another reason. It just doesn't make sense to save everyone, say he's a psychic, then knock them all out. Why would revealing he's a psychic be relevant to making everyone forget about something else?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now