Chapter 15 - Psychic Lie

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Amidst the rumors and shame that Saiki and Teruhashi had to deal with, they found time to secretly meet up. Saiki had initially thought the rumors would eventually die off and he wouldn't have to carry out his risking-it-all plan. Maybe he was too optimistic.

He looked at her and winced. The moonlight was bright, but she was brighter. Like, literally; it was obnoxious.

"So," he started, looking over at the blue-haired girl with his hands shoved into his pockets, "did you really do a good job at trying to convince everyone what really happened between us, or rather, the lack thereof?"

A silent breeze flowed through the park, causing the blue-haired angel to shiver. She adjusted the hood over her head. She was wearing a hoodie to conceal her identity, but it also acted as protection from the cold. She didn't understand why he forced her to meet at night exclusively. Especially in this 'disguise.' "Of course. You already knew that anyway, right? You like, know everything."

"Yea," he admitted. He looked at the empty park, taking in the vacancy. "How long has it been since we've been trying to shake them off our backs?"

"A month, maybe?" She shrugged. She adjusted the drawstrings on her hoodie, sighing. It's the first time something didn't go her way. Her popularity acted as her own achille's heel. She was the architect of her own downfall. "I've been telling people to forget about it, but they just won't."

"Even Nendou still cares," Saiki groaned. "It's starting to ruin my friendships."

"Wait, really?" Teruhashi gasped. "I-I never meant for this to happen, I'm sorry."

"No, in the way that I'm starting to not want to be their friend anymore," he said with a straight face.


"Nendou is always giving me that look. Kaidou is always blushing but still acting as a 'cool' friend by telling me not to forget our times together even if I have a girl now. Kuboyasu is always teasing me about what a lucky dick I am. Surprisingly, Saiko has been the most normal. "

"Now that's surprising."

"Friend or not, everyone is consistent on asking 'why the hell have you not asked her out yet if she likes you?' They're starting to think I'm leading you on and I'm a devil. It's your fault for being so popular anyway."

"Well, I can fix it," she said in a confident tone. "How about we just date already?" She suggested, a wry smirk on her face.

"You know we can't," he shot her down quickly. "Would you give up your popularity to be with me?" Saiki gave his interpretation of it, noticing her brief silence, "You'd become something unobtainable, like a forbidden fruit."

"Don't talk in metaphors," she shoved him over. "Though... y'know, once bitten..." She giggled under her breath. He looked at her like she was a freak, not even conjuring an attempt at a response. She elaborated, "Most don't share fruit once bitten."

"What are you implying?"

"Well, who else has gotten so close to me besides you?" She mused, smiling shyly. She's commonly flustered, but there was something off about this reaction. He couldn't comprehend what, though.

"Hm." He shrugged as he leaned back on the park bench. The chilliness of the metal bench seeped into his back, making him wince. Regardless of what she wanted, he knew what was best for her. He wouldn't be able to make her happy with his inexpressiveness, and he understood this. The best he can do is make amends with the abilities he's cursed with. "I'll see you tomorrow again." He got up from the bench, looking at her from above.

"Everything here can be explained with a phone call, you know?" She called out to him as he walked away.

"It's easier to talk in person," he replied, still walking away. Let him kiss this wilting flower one more time, treating it like it had since it first bloomed. Regretfully, he stopped.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now