Chapter 6 - A Psychic's Mistake. An Angel's Drive.

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It seemed Teruhashi had become accustomed to hanging out with Saiki. The development in their relationship was obvious; no longer did she want to hang out with him just to get him to gasp, he was genuinely a nice guy.

On Monday, after they aced their assignment (Minor credits to Toritsuka for being in the group, she definitely felt satisfied with their progress. Two weeks had passed and every other day, Teruhashi successfully infiltrated/hung out at his house!

Granted, there was not about him besides his snarky remarks, but she enjoyed the time together. He's a really fun guy once you get to know him. And there aren't many that know this much about him. If she asked him out now, she wondered if he would accept...

Her wishful thinking was nothing more than a dream. Even when he's not with her, her thoughts are this bad? Good grief, they've only been talking for about a week. Who does she think he is? A guy that falls for girls after they give them an ounce of affection?

Actually, that's just any guy.

Either way, Saiki isn't one to fall in love easily. Easily .

He's honestly pretty surprised they got that close; she really is a threat towards him. It's commendable that she got him to stop avoiding her. Good grief. He stared at the window, leaning his palm against his chin as he watched the rain fall with no sign of stopping. He's gonna get drenched when he has to go back home. And unfortunately, he can't even teleport back because...

"Huh, pal, what's wrong?" Nendou asked the psychic, who was looking down at his ramen. "You've hardly touched your soy sauce pork bone ramen with thin broth!"

The endless chatter between Nendou and Kaidou became white noise, so maybe he seemed a little out of it. He was sitting on the opposite side of the two of them.

"Whath ahr yoh talkin afhout?" Kaidou turned his head towards Nendou, his mouth filled with noodles. He gulped before he finished speaking. "It's probably because we go here like... Every other day." He looked around the ramen shop, multiple patrons enjoying their meals. "Also, doesn't Saiki like sweets instead?"

"Psh," Nendou smirked, "my pal isn't weak. He'll try any food even if he hasn't had it before, just to see the experience." He wagged his finger towards the blue-haired boy and shook his head.

"Like I said, we go here every other day." Kaidou cringed.

Saiki finally picked up his chopsticks to consume the meal.

"See, chibi! He does like it after all!"

"Obviously he would if you're pestering him like that!" Kaidou argued, his eyebrows furrowing towards Nendou's stupidity.

"Thanks for the meal." Saiki silently mumbled to himself as he began eating. It's the same as always. He stared out the window to the shop as he slurped the noodles up.

"Nendou's kinda got a point though... Are you okay, Saiki?"

"Of course I am." Saiki was a little shocked that they were even asking this. Did he really seem that distressed? Surely not. He may have been thinking about Teruhashi but there's no way that it would make him act differently.

"I mean... You haven't said 'good grief' once today!" The chuunibyou genuinely looked confused.


"Good grief." Saiki finally said the sacred words. "I was just thinking about school." Half lie.

"Ahh... Yea, we'll all be graduating soon." Kaidou slightly frowned, looking down at his half-empty bowl. "Moments like this will be rare." Whoops. Saiki didn't mean to ruin the mood. He was about to comfort him, until this big oaf stole the show.

Risking It All For You. Reawakened! (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi) (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now