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Hiya I went home early since I was coughing apparently we can't cough now and I can't go back until I stop so yah I'm probably not going back for like a week since it's pretty bad

Dreams POV
I woke up at 8am since I had decided too not go to classes today and stay with Karl.I got ready for the day and Alyssa had stayed the day as well I saw her walking around the halls I asked awkwardly if she could let me in the common room she agreed and on the way there I apologized for everything she said it was ok [If We Have Each Other is playing] I told her it wasn't she could forgive me but it still wasn't ok we got to the common room she opened it and let me in I went to Karls dorm and opened it Karl was sitting on his bed crying I went up too him "hey Karl"I said softly "hi Dream"he said his voice a cracking probably from crying I hugged him he hugged me back and started crying harder we sat there for a bit in comfortable silence "Hey Karl wanna go too my dorm Sam won't be there their in clases they don't get out for another 5hours we could be there until they get out?"i ask breaking the silence"sure we could go"Karl says we get up and walk out his dorm and leave the common room we walk to mine and I put the password in then we got to my dorm.

We sit on my bed In silence "hey wanna watch a movie?" I ask [i don't think they have TVs/phones at Hogwarts but I'm just gonna go with it] "um yah sure why not"he answers I grab the remote and ask "what movie?" "any " I pick Halloween I lay down and so does Karl.

*Time Skip midway through the movie*

In the middle of movie there's a jump scare Karl gets scared and grabs my hand hiding his head in my chest I blush a little and rub my thumb against his hand then we continue watching the movie.

*Time Skip*

After the movies was over I sit up and so does Karl.I checked the time it was 11am so it was still pretty early "Hey Karl wanna get some food?"i ask him "Um..sure I guess." He responds I turn the TV off and we get up we walk too the great hall and get some food and sit down on the Hufflepuff table I'm not sure if i can sit here but whatever.I noticed Karl wasn't eating much but I tried too brush it off we sat in comfortable silence while eating.After a while we both finished and left the great hall.We went too my dorm and watched a random show that was on the TV while having small talk every once and a while.

Karls POV
Me and Dream we're watching a show that was playing when I checked the time it was 2:00pm and I remembered that we get out of classes at 2:10 so they get out in 10minutes "Hey Dream I'm gonna go back too my dorm since classes end in 10minutes and Sam is gonna come in here...and you know..I kinda don't wanna be in the same room as Sam"I say "oh yah for sure you don't have too be in the same room as Sam"he says "mhm yah k bye Dream see you later" I say while walking too the door "Bye Karl see you later"Dream says I leave the room and the common room I got too my common room and then my dorm n shut the door i check the time it 2:07pm ok so classes aren't over yet I go too my bed and lay down and I decide too go shower and everything since I haven't done that in like 2days.

*Time Skip*

After I finish doing everything I lay on my bed and grab a book I read for a bit and get bored I go out too the common room and see Alyssa,bad,Niki and puffy Alyssa and Niki are sitting one couch and puffy and bad are sitting on the other i sit on one of the chairs "Hi Karl! I haven't seen you in like 2days where have you been?" Niki asks "oh um I dint feel well so I stayed in my dorm and didn't go to classes for a bit sorry i dint tell you"I say "that's ok we just dint know"bad says we continue talking for a while eventually we go in our dorms Niki and puffy share one I share one with bad and Alyssa shares one with- I'm actually not sure with who anyways I go too my dorm and sit on my bed I grab the book from earlier and continue reading for about 20minutes when there's a knock on the door I get up and open it I see Tommy and Tubbo there Tommy's a Gryffindor in his 5th year and is like best friends with Tubbo "Uh hi guys what do you need?"i ask "We're bored"Tommy says "and what do you want me too do about that"i ask "I don't know but we're bored can we come in?"tubbo says "yeah sure"I say and let them in they sat on the couch and I sit on my bed "Hey bad"Tommy and tubbo say "Hi Tommy and Tubbo"bad says "We're bored and have nothing to do-Wait Karl Can you paint our nails?!"Tubbo asks "Yah Karl can you paint our nails?!"Tommy says "Um yah sure why not!"i say I walk over to my vanity and sit down on one of the chairs open a drawer and take out my nail polish's "who wants too go first?" I ask "Me!"Tommy says and sits on anther chair "Which colors?"i ask Tommy points at the red one I pick it up open it and start painting his nails.After i finish painting Tommys nails Tommy gets up and Tubbo sits down "What colors do you want Tubbo?"i ask he gets the yellow and black one and asks if I can do like one finger yellow and the next black like bees I say sure and I start painting his nails once I'm finished they thank me and the four of us talk a bit and then we realize it's 10minutes before curfew so Tubbo and Tommy leave our dorm.I get tired and tell bad I'm going too sleep I tell him good night and lay down on my bed and I fall asleep almost immediately.

Hiya guys I'm super proud of myself because I ate a bowl of soup today and I haven't eaten since Monday and it's Wednesday so yah I love you guys eat some yummy food drink water and your loved and worth it bye love you all!


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