313 8 14

TW: Swearing, crying, depression

Hiya, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


• What you favorite Dream smp war, (Doomsday, Manberg vs Pogtopia, ect.)

• Have you listened to Melanie Martinez? If so what your favorite song from her?

Karls POV
Dream and i decided to go too wait in the Hufflepuff common room instead, just in case, —I don't even know, but I'm fine with it.

"So,..what do we do for now?" I ask. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" Dream asks. "I don't know... but to make sure your gonna be with me when I say what he did right?" I hesitantly asked.

"Yeah for sure, don't worry" Dream said. "Well, no offense at all but, I still am going to be very worried." I said as nicely as possible.

"And you know I get that" Dream says.

*Time Skip to lunch*

It was now lunch, and Dream and I have decided to talk to Headmaster— after classes since we can't talk to him until after classes end.

Im currently in the great hall for lunch, once again no one is acknowledging me, I don't get it honestly, how do you not include one of your friends who seem very off and don't seem like their doing well mentally.

I don't want to go back to my dorm because it dint go well last time, but I'm not doing anything here, I'm not eating nor talking to anyone.

I feel a single tear slip down my cheek— I'm crying?

I don't bother wiping it away more tears are probably yet to come and it's not like anyone's going too notice anyways.

Eventually, most people start too leave going to their classes. I have potions, professor Slughorn teaches potions so at least i have my favorite professor.

I get up and grab my bag walking to the potions classroom.I remember listening to a song called Mr. Potato head, in the muggle world I liked it.

I remember the lyrics;
Kids forever, kids forever, baby soft skin turns into leather. Don't be dramatic it's only some plastic no one will love you if your unattractive.

Life feels very weird, one moment you can be very happy the next your not. I reached the front of the potions classroom, I'm not sure if I'll get scolded or not since I haven't been in classes.

I take a deep breath and walked in the classroom, no students were in the room yet but Professor Slughorn was at his desk.

"H-Hello Professor Slughorn" I said my voice cracking— probably from crying earlier or maybe nerves?

"Hello Mr. Jacobs, may I ask where you were about a week prior to winter break since you weren't attending my classes?" "Oh right, I was going through a very difficult time, with another student in my year. It was really bad for me, both mentally and physically. It was to the point where I couldn't attend classes." I said, that's not a lie just not the full story.

"Im sorry that you had to experience that situation, but I did have to lower your grade since you weren't attending classes." Professor Slughorn says

"I understand that" I say. "Thank you for telling me, but I also have another question for you." He said. "What is it?" I asked. "I noticed your very talented in defense against the dark arts and transfiguration, and have you heard of the slug club?" "No, I haven't" I said confused. "We'll it's a club I have of promising students in all years, houses, and genders, I was wondering if you'd like to join it?" He asked me. "Oh, um yeah sure, I'd love too." I answer. "Great! Great! You can take your seat now. I sit in my seat, which is next too, another Hufflepuff which I'm not really close too.

Karlwastaken ~ hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now