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TW:Swearing, Yelling, Homophobia, Mention of Rape, F slur, crying, mention of starvation

Hiya!I really have nothing to say so here's the chapter!

Dreams POV
I wake up to get ready for classes, Once I was ready I went to the great hall for breakfast trying my best to avoid my 'friends'' and instead sat next to Hanna and One of her friends they were very Nice and Kind two things my 'friends" never were and still aren't.

After breakfast we had our first class of the day Charms which Hanna and Bad were in but also Sam, Punz and Techno were in, anyways I've also become friends with most of the Hufflepuffs.Hanna, bad and I walked together to charms and took our seats i sat next to bad, Karl is in front of bad, Sam is in front of me and Hanna is across from me but Karl isn't in classes today.

Today for charms we were learning the spell 'Aparecium', the spell reveals any secret messages written in invisible ink or any hidden makings.

I learned the spell quickly I'm pretty good when it comes to Charms class, and that was Charms next we had Herbology with the same people as charms. Hanna, Bad and I walked to the Herbology Green house together once again.And waited since we were early.

For Herbology we learned about Devils Snare.We learned that if you get caught in Devils Snare you shouldn't panic nor struggle if you do then it will kill you, but if you try to relax and think calmly the grip of it will be loser so you can get out. It also hates light so if you use spells like Bluebell Flams, Fire-Making Spell, Wand-lightning Charm or Lumos Solem Spell could drive it away from the potential victims.

After Herbology I had Defense Against The Dark Arts, and Hanna was the only person I knew in that Class, besides Karl.So me and her walked to Class together.

Once we arrived we took our seats which were next to each other and waited for everyone else to arrive.

For Defense against the dark arts we learned about the Three Unforgivable curses which were, Avada Kedavra, Crucio and Imperio.They are unforgivable because, Avada Kedavra is a killing Spell, Crucio causes unbearable pain/torture and Imperio is a spell were the person who casts it controls anything the victim will do.And that was all we learned for Defense against the dark arts.

*Time Skip after Classes {Sorry I time Skipped Classes and that they were quick}*

After Classes I asked Bad to let me in the Common Room and I immediately walked to Karls dorm I know bad and Karl share a dorm but bad doesn't really go In his dorm unless he goes to bed.

I knocked and waited for permission to be let in I hear a mumbled 'Come in' and walk in, I see Karl on his bed and walk over we sit in silence for a bit until I ask "Have you ate yet?" "No"he responds with "Are you hungry?" "A little" "Come we're gonna go get food" I say standing up "I don't wanna go"he says "Well you have too"I say "I'm scared what if Sam's their?" He says with a scared expression "Well if he is there then I'll make sure nothing happens, I won't leave you alone" I say [By 'I won't leave you alone' I don't mean it in the weird way] too him he gives in and get up we walk out of the room and walk to the great hall.

Once we're in the great hall we sit down at the Slytherin table next to each other, again not sure if we can sit in other houses tables but whatever there were also a few more people in there we get our food and we just chill talking every once and while.

Then some people comes in, you guest it, Sam, Punz, Techno and Quackity I was surprised that Shlatt wasn't with them.And they walked over to us "shit" I whisper under my breath I look at Karl and see he looks terrified honestly I would be to if I were him to.

When I look back at them their already in front of us.

"What do you guys want?" I say "Why are you with this F@g0+" Quackity said gesturing his head to Karl "Karl"I say "What?" Techno says "His name is Karl"I say "Can you guys leave us the Fuck alone!" I say "Why Dream? A week ago you hated him" Punz says "Because I realized a week ago what we were doing was Fucked!" I yell standing up "What we're doing isn't 'fucked' he's just weak!" Quackity yells "Oh Yah Because it isn't fucked, TO HURT SOMEONE EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY IT ISNT FUCKED TO MAKE FUN OF SOMEONES WEIGHT BECAUSE IT ISNT FUCKED TO RAPE SOMEONE HUH!" I yelled i was sick of their fucking bullshit, I was sick of how they were treating him they all did it except the rape part only Sam did that but it's still Fucked. I found out yesterday that Karl starved himself because of them making fun of his weight, I hate myself for it because I was apart of it, I hurt him and made him starve himself.

It was silence until Techno spoke up "what do you mean rape" I scoffed Sam dint fucking tell them "oh.. Sam dint fucking tell you?" "Tell us what?" Said Quackity said "Well let me tell you what Sam did, about a week ago HE FUCKING RAPED KARL!-" "what!" Punz interrupted me "Oh I dint even finish HE ALSO DID IT AGAIN YESTERDAY!" I yell. I look back at Karl to see him crying, I look back at them with tears in my eyes from how mad/upset I was "you guys are so incredibly fucking messed up especially you Sam" I say looking at Sam for the last bit as I said that I sat back down hugging Karl I whisper to him "Do you wanna go back to your dorm?" He slightly nods his head.

We get up and I look back at them Punz, Techno and Quackity were yelling at Sam well Sam was trying to defend himself I think they thought that was to far even for them, Karl and I walk back to his dorm and lay down we were both tired and fell asleep cuddling.

Hiya I know this took forever to write but I hope you enjoyed it! Remember to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, Appreciate and worth living!


Karlwastaken ~ hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now