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This is ⏃ rant so you don't have to read it but ⟟ just need to get this off my chest. But ⟟ am placing ⏃ trigger warning for ⏃ lot so be careful if you don't want to please don't read this!

⟟ really don't want to be alive anymore I'm so fucking tired. My friends from my first year of school till last year were so toxic and terrible and one of them SA me and the only reason ⟟ held on was for my best friend and my friends that ⟟ made this year and ⟟ used to know one of my friends when we were younger and she would bully me along with so many other people and ⟟ decided to give her ⏃ chance since she's failing and ⟟ was picked to tutor her and my best friend, her, and ⟟ are ⏃ trio and they are so much closer which ⟟ honestly don't mind but they say shit about me in front of me and fucking laugh about it and it's starting to feel like my old friend ships and my best friend and now my old friends are talking about me and spreading rumors about me and they talk about planning to murder me ⟟ know I'm not that young anymore but I'm still ⏃ fucking minor and it scares the absolute shit out of me the girl who used to bully me and is now bffs with my best friend is starting to bully me again, by hitting me, sending me messages to kill myself and now I'm really considering it and my best friend knows about this and is telling me to suck it up for her and ⟟ just don't want to she's also been copying my work which again ⟟ don't care about but ⟟ get in trouble and get punished because I'm supposedly stealing her work and know ⟟ don't feel safe with not even family my grandparents and parents are shit and so are my siblings and know ⟟ feel safe with very few people who are ⏃ grade above me but still I'm class, I'm just so fucking tired and ⟟ like someone in my school and ⟟ trusted one of my friends with it and she told my people and my best friend and the girl that use to bully people talked about it during gym and ⟟ had ⏃ whole panic attack and they dint even apologize or anything but apparently ⟟ have no right to be upset over it and ⟟ exaggerate stuff know I'm only holding on for; L, N, A, V, T four of them are girls and the other one is ⏃ boy all of them are older ⟟ don't know if ⟟ can anymore ⟟ just want to die so bad but ⟟ have ⏃ tortoise as well and ⟟ want to stay for them to, ⟟ just don't know what to do ⟟ want to drop my friends except for those five people but ⟟ dint even see red flags until now and everyone thinks my best friend is the sweetest and most innocent person in the world, the girl who bully's me is the coolest person, and they think I'm not the nicest person ever which I'm not saying ⟟ am so if ⟟ do decide to drop them then I'll be getting stuff said to me. On top of that my eating habits aren't that good and neither are my SH habits

 On top of that my eating habits aren't that good and neither are my SH habits

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That's all sorry for it being so long but yeah, I'm planning ⏃ bonus chapter with the next two ish days

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That's all sorry for it being so long but yeah, I'm planning ⏃ bonus chapter with the next two ish days

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