414 11 6

TW: Swearing, Crying, kissing, homophobia

Hiya hope you like the Chapter!!

Dreams POV
I'm completely shocked, I just sit there having no words. After a bit of silence,since my brain was trying to comprehend what he just said
Karl said "Come on please just say something, I get you don't like me back just say something I can't sit in silence.." He said I look at him and see tears running down his face, I hate seeing him cry.

"No you don't get it- I- I-.....I like you more than a friend to.." I said "What!? No, you don't you said you like someone else!-" He said but got cut off by me gently holding his shoulders, looking at him in the eyes and saying "Shh, look that person is you, I. Like. You. More. Than. A. Friend. You could even say I'm in love with you, Karl Jacobs." I said it felt great to say that, 'I'm in love with Karl Jacobs'.

"I- I- what, how?!" He said "Can I kiss you?" I asked. "Um yah, sure." He said and his cheeks becoming a bright rosy red color I smiled at that.

I gently cupped his cheeks and leaned in and closed my eyes and he did too. Our lips connected and his lips were so soft [Fuck I can't write kissing scenes so just imagine it please.]

After we pulled away I said "Does that prove that I like you?" "...yeah.." he says. "See I do like you so much." I reassured him. "I like you a lot as well." He said "Mhm, yah, I know" I said "Oh, shut up!" Karl said playfully hitting me.

"No, cause you love me for it" I said. Karl let out a sigh and said "Honk you".

*Timeskip a bit*

After the sun had set we decided to go home we're currently in the my room sitting in comfortable silences on my bed.

"So..." Karl said. "So?" I said "Um question, what like...are we?" Karl asked. "I'm not quite sure, what do you feel comfortable with?" I asked him. "Uh, could we possibly date..?" Karl asked nervously. "Yah, sure as long as we're both comfortable with it" I said. "So is that a yes?" Karl asks "Yes." "POG!" Karl yells/says.

I laugh "Yes POG, very POG champ." I said hugging him while pulling him to laying laying down but very gently so he doesn't get scared or surprised.

"So can i tell 'Bench trio', Wilbur and Hanna that were dating?" I ask "Mhm." He says.

Hanna 👑

Hey Hanna?
Read 7:45pm

Read 7:46pm

Wait aren't you telling Karl you
like him today?
Read 7:47pm

I was about to respond when I hear Karl say with a small smile "You told Hanna you were gonna tell me?" "Um, possibly" I respond with. "Wait, hold up I love how you have a crown for Hanna! I'm telling her!" Karl says with a even bigger smile.

"No!" I said "Yes!" Karl says "No!" "Yes!" Karl says. "No!" Karl says "Yes!" I say not thinking. "Yes! You fell for it!" Karl said. "What?! Karl that's not fair!" I said. He grabbed his phone I'm guessing telling Hanna. "Oy!" I said "To late I already told her" he says putting his phone down. I sighed and went on my phone back to Hanna and I's messages.





Are u alive?

You have a crown on my contact name?
I mean I kinda see why

Dream you there????

Read 7:58pm

Yeah I'm alive and I possibly do have a crown on your contact name
Read 7:59pm

Ok but what did Karl say?!
Read 8:00pm

Um he likes me back and now we're dating
Read 8:00pm

Hell yeah! I knew he would like you back!
Read 8:01pm

Did you really??
Read 8:01pm

Read 8:02pm

Ok, anyways..
Read 8:03pm

Anyways what?? There's nothing else to talk about??
Read 8:03pm

I mean, true
Read 8:04pm

Ok then why would you say it???
Read 8:04pm

I don't know, ok?
Read 8:05pm

Damn I always knew Slytherin's were stupid
Read 8:06pm

Aren't you a Slytherin?
Read 8:06pm

Yeah, but I still don't really like the house, most pure bloods there are assholes, from what I know of I'm the only kind pureblood in Slytherin that respects Half bloods and Muggle borns and now you too.
Read 8:08pm

I mean, yah I understand Slytherins are complete assholes most of the time.
Read 8:09pm

Right? Like your the only Slytherin I can bear.
Read 8:09pm

Same, except Professor Slughorn
Read 8:10pm

True he's my favorite teacher
Read 8:10pm

Yah same
Read 8:11pm

Read 8:11pm

Read 8:12pm

I don't know how to end conversations so um, bye
Read 8:13pm

Ok, bye
Read 8:13pm

Read 8:14pm

I put my phone down and see Karl just laying there. "I told Hanna but not the others I'll tell them tomorrow." I said "You know, I still have to tell my dad I don't know if he's excepting or not I haven't come out to anyone except to people in the wizardry world, In the muggle world no one knows that I'm Bi." Karl said looking at me. I sigh and say "I don't know my parents are homophobic and believe that's just a 'phase' and stuff I haven't come out to them because there very strict."

"Who knows, I'll tell my dad tomorrow." Karl said "Where is your dad anyway I haven't seen him since, I first came here" I said. "Business trip he's coming back tomorrow." "What if he's not excepting them what will happen?" I asked. "I'm not sure, I guess we kinda have to hope for the best." Karl says

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked because there was nothing else to do "Yeah sure." He said I grabbed the remote and turned it on I put {insert random movie} Karl cuddled up to me and hugged me.

Midway through the movie, Karl said "Goodnight" "Goodnight Karl" I said and kissed his forehead.

Hiya hope you enjoyed the chapter! Remember to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved, appreciate and worth living bye bye <3

-Pickle 💚💜

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